Chapter 5 (Is it wrong to get drunk on a lunch break?)

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"It makes no sense okay. Hear me out, I understand why captain America would be able to wield the mjolnir." Off's hands were flying about. "But why did he command thunder and lightning? He's not the God of thunder. Thor is, right?" Off looked to Tay for support.

Arm shook his head. His disapproval was evident. "No no no," He was all up in Off's face. "Odin said whoever was worthy to wield the hammer would possess the power of Thor. Not just the power of the hammer."

"Shut up. Stop making shit up." Off fumed.

New was seated between Off and Tay. He was amused by the discussion going on. "You're all nerds," He leaned into Tay to whisper. "I mean, I knew that before. But this is just..." He shook his head. Dropped it on Tay's shoulder. He tuned out his arguing friends and draped an arm on New's shoulders. He pulled him closer. Kissed the top of his head. When he looked up, Arm and Off were giving him strange looks. He realized his mistake. He quickly dropped his arm and shifted away from New.

They've been sleeping together for over a month. He had managed to keep it a secret from his best friends until now. Tay rubbed the back of his neck, feeling incredibly stupid for exposing himself like that.

"Arm, please sit with Newwiee. I want to get some water with Tay in the kitchen." Off said in the voice of a stern mother.

Tay rolled his eyes. "Go get the water with Arm." He tried but there was no escaping.

New's eyebrows were caved in. "I can go get the water with Off." he offered.

"Only Tay knows where the water is."

Tay sighed and followed Off to the kitchen. He was barely through the door when Off spun around to face him. "You idiot!" He cried. "What have you done?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." Tay looked away. He held his chin up.

"Tay," Off groaned. "You're gonna get hurt, you idiot." He flicked Tay on the forehead.

"Ouch," He rubbed his head. "I know."

"Then what the hell are you doing it for?"

Tay paused. He held Off's concerned gaze. "I love him."



Tay hasn't had lunch with his friends in a long time. Arm invited him and Off for lunch on a warm Tuesday afternoon. With the promise to foot the bill. The three best friends sat around the table. Engaged in conversation and laughing about things others wouldn't find funny. Off appeared to have forgotten about Tay's recklessness. His proclivity for 'throwing his dick around'.

"Is it wrong to get drunk on my lunch break?" Off asked.

"Yes." Both Tay and Arm answered.

"Too bad. I have to wait until Friday then. Speaking of which, this Friday night are you in or out?"


"At least pretend to think about it."

Tay put his hands on his chin as if contemplating something. "Out."

"You're boring, Tawan. What if we invite your baby boy?" Off wiggled his brows, a suggestive lilt to his tone.

"I'm gonna tell him not to go."

"That's not f—,"

"Speak of the devil," Arm interrupted Off's whining. "Don't look now. Your baby boy just walked in."

"I'd be a fool to fall for that prank." Tay hissed.

"I'm serious," Arm insisted.

Off's eyes widened after a glance around. "Oh shit. It's true. I'm going to call him over."

"Don't do that he's with some—,"

"Too late." Off raised his hands. "New!" He bellowed. "Over here."

It would be weirder if Tay didn't look over. He turned in his seat, making its loose hinges creak. Like a summer dream, there was New, just as breathtaking as the day he first saw him. He had on black dress pants and a blue button-up shirt. Tay had only ever seen him dressed like that through the occasional selfies they exchanged. The man standing next to New was dressed almost the same. They probably were work colleagues or friends who decided to meet here for lunch.

Tay smiled New, belly fluttering and heart singing. He hoped New would be half as happy to see him too but he looked like a deer caught in a headlight. He shuffled in the same spot for a moment before walking toward their table with his friend in tow.

A feeling of unease overcame Tay. He watched New as he walked awkwardly to their table. His lips stretched into a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "What a surprise!"

"Arm wanted to treat us to something fancy so he brought us here," Off said, completely oblivious to the war going on in Tay's head.

"Hi," Tay offered a small smile, afraid that he would end up in tears if he stretched his lips too wide.

New held his eyes briefly. "Hi."

The man standing beside New cleared his throat. "Hi," he joked.

"Forgive my manners. This is Kay."

Tay's heart plummeted. His brain offered a vivid memory of a certain "K" calling New on the night they met. He always had it in the back of his mind that New had someone else. But to see him face to face changed everything. Before he put a face to the other lover, it was easy to ignore the fact that New wasn't his. His mind had been given ammunition to punish him with colorful images of this man and New together.

Not yours.

Kay smiled and Tay's stomach hurt. "I'm Kay," he draped an arm around New's shoulders. Tay could smell the possessiveness. His eyes couldn't help but follow the movement. It was hard to breathe. When he looked back at New's eyes, they seemed to be apologizing.

"I'm Off." Jumpol was talking, blissfully ignorant. "The handsome nerd here is Tay. And the other handsome one is Arm."

Arm, forever perceptive, appeared to have caught on. All he did was take a look at New and Tay to figure it out. "Nice to meet you," He smiled politely at Kay. "Our lunch break is almost over. We'll leave you two to it. See you later, New."

Kay nodded elegantly. "Sure." His arm on New's shoulder steered the man away. Only when they found their seat could Tay breathe properly.

"I told you not to call them over." Arm chided.

"Why? That's Tay's baby boy—," He looked at Tay. The smile slipped from his face. Everything seemed to hit him at once. His mouth fell open. His eyes widened. "Oh. Oh shit! Him?" He started to twist in his chair to catch a glimpse of the man again. Arm caught his sleeves to stop him. "You're more handsome. I can tell you that."

Tay just wanted to get out of here. "Does it matter? I want to go home." He dragged his chair back. "Thanks for lunch, Arm." He stood up. And with a final glance at his lover and his boyfriend, walked out of the restaurant.

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