Chapter 8 (Paint me like one of your french girls)

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To say Tay was nervous would be an understatement. There were about a hundred people in the gallery, half of whom he didn't know. When he first birthed this idea, he thought he'd get approximately thirty people to attend. But here he was in a gallery filled with familiar and unfamiliar faces alike.

He waved over a server and grabbed another flute of white wine.

"This is your fourth glass, Tay."

"Who is counting? Stop babying me." He snapped at Off. "I can handle myself."

Though he was nervous, he felt somewhat accomplished. It had always been a dream since he picked up the camera to have his photos displayed like this. To have it manifested as beautifully as he imagined was something he'd forever be proud of. He had Arm to thank for co-organizing the event and taking charge when Tay got too overwhelmed to think straight.

Arm was currently walking towards him with an air of grace. "It's time for your speech, Tay."

"Do I have to?" He rubbed sweaty palms in his pants.

"I think you do."

Tay groaned as Arm adjusted the collar of his jacket. "There are so many people." His nervous eyes scanned the crowd. "I didn't think there'd be so many people."

Arm fixed the stray strands of hair on his head. "Tay, you have over three hundred thousand followers on Instagram. You publicly announced you were having a gallery exhibition. If you had put out more than 100 tickets,  this space would've been too small to accommodate everyone." He patted Tay on his shoulders. "Go get them, tiger."

"Just imagine everyone naked." Off suggested.

"Don't do that please." He heard Arm say as he stepped on the slightly raised platform. He tapped a spoon against his half-empty glass.

Within seconds, all eyes fell on him. Some looked in awe, others in adoration. The few familiar faces just looked so proud of him. Tay gulped. Cleared his throat. "Hi, I'm Tay Tawan. But you already knew that or you wouldn't be here." he chuckled. A few people found that funny. "I don't have anything profound to say about these pieces. They are just photos I took.

"Somebody once told me to find the extraordinary in the ordinary. And I think I've done that. These may be just photos but they are dear to me. Some, many of you have seen before and others—," Tay's eyes darted to the large framed photo in the center of the exhibition. "You're seeing for the first time. I am honored you made time to share this experience with me. Thank you all." The crowd applauded as Tay stepped down.


Two hours later, more than half of the photos had been sold. Only a few scattered pieces remained on the gallery's walls. Tay stood in front of his favorite piece. He called it Serendipity. It was a black and white photo of a man with his back turned to the camera. His large white T-shirt fell off one shoulder such that, almost half of his toned back was exposed. The half of his face turned to the camera was covered with a single sunflower held between his lithe fingers.

Tay could vividly remember the events that took place before the picture was taken.

New was teasing him again. "Are you sure you don't want me to take off my clothes?" He undid almost all his buttons "You're the first man I've met who isn't eager to get me out of my clothes." He pulled down the collar of his shirt until his left shoulder was bare then looked at Tay through his lashes with dreamy eyes. "Paint me like one of your French girls."

Tay smiled, enthralled.  New returned the smile, full lips curled up. Tay recalled how they made him feel. The wanting. The needing. The torture. The self-control. He remembered how Newwiee turned his back to the camera and shrugged off the left sleeve completely. He thought New was the most beautiful thing he'd ever set his eyes on as he lifted his camera to take the shot.

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