so what did I miss😅

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(Trying my best here people)


"Here I go" I say to myself as I opened the large wooden door by the big circled gold handles. The door closed behind me with a loud bang.

Making a large group of college students in front of me look back. Their probably at the ending of the orientation I thought to myself.  

   Then through the large crowd a bunch of people parted for a woman who look to be a centaur, she must have been a Professor at the campus.

She was much taller than me so I was a little intimidated by her. She stopped and looked at me then started to speak " if you are a student here in this establishment you're late". Her voice was powerful but still had a calm nature to it.
Our eyes meet I was definitely too scared to speak but I had to say something. " well you see ma'am I had woken up a little late because my mom-" she cut me off before I could even finish the rest of my sentence " there are no excuses".  

I didn't want to talk back I didn't want to make an enemy on the first day. So I kind of held my head down.

Without any warning she started to speak again. But this time to the large group of students behind
" all right you are all dismissed.

Your orientation is over you can stay in your dorm room and get to know your roommate.
Or you can stay around the campus. Just don't get into any trouble you all have classes tomorrow have a nice day." 

Everyone behind her dispersed and all went their separate ways. I look at her and she looks down at me "what's your name boy" I wasn't exactly paying attention to everything she was saying "Huh??".

Then she kind of gave me a menacing glare saying " do I look like the kind of Centaur that likes repeating her self" she said as she flipped her long black hair and her dark brown eyes stared down into my green one's. " Oh my name. My name is Jordan. Jordan Greenhouse"

. She turned around and started walking. The bottom of her hooves making a clapping sound as she walked. I ran up beside her catching up " were are we going?" I asked her with a look of confusion on my face.

As she was walking she looked down at me. " well since you basically missed all of orientation. I'll have to take you to the main office and see what they'll do with you". She turned her head back up looking straight forward as we walked and turn down the corner.

I started to laugh awkwardly before asking my question " so what did I miss exactly??"

" a lot" she said in the stern tone of voice. We kept walking until we got to the door that said main office. We both stood in front of the door I turn my head to look at her.

She pulls down the upper part of her black suit she had on. Then proceeds to brush It Off.

Pushing her long black hair back. And brushing off the back of her browned horse torso " whatever they're going to deal with you now".

The words she said got me a little scared.

Before she opened the door I asked a question. "Wait what's your name?" She turned giving me and annoyed look

"My name is professor, sweet" then she started to open the door I said something underneath my breath "for someone named sweet you act real  sour".
She rolled her eyes and grab the door handle opening it.

When the door open you could see a desk with a large ogre sitting there. Typing on the computer possibly doing SOMETHING ridiculous while working.

Professor,Sweet and I walk a short way to reach the desk.
Professor,sweet began to talk. " Excuse me. Mrs. Flaming"

Wait this thing is a woman!?!?
I think to myself really surprised.
"I'm sorry but-" she stopped mid-sentence in looked from the computer. "one moment please" the ogre woman said into the office phone she was on.

Professor, sweet begin to speak " I'm very sorry for the interruption" she said in a sweet tone.

Huh that sure is different
I say in my head to not make the centaur mad.
" Oh no you're quite alright Professor, sweet". Mrs. Flaming stud up towering over me and the professor. Mrs. Flaming was wearing a light pink dress with puffed sleeves and a small bow in the front.

With her green skin and warts showing off with her brightly orange colored curly hair with a small bow barrette clipped in.
She started to speak " what are you doing here at these hours professor sweet shouldn't you be on break right now."

Professor sweet looked at her and then looked down at me " well that's what I'm supposed to be doing but we had a little problem". Mrs. Flaming look down at me.
My eyes widened and I look down quickly.

"Hmmm" is all I heard her say. " I might be able to take care of this what's your name sweetheart". And I heard her sit back down.
I begin to speak myself stuttering a lot for some reason I was probably really intimidated by her presence even though she was a really sweet lady "oh- umm n-Name i-is Jordan Greenhouse". I said getting out the last words without messing up.

" okay dear I have somebody who can show you around the school. And she's in the same dorm room as you. So it's a win-win is that okay. And Professor,sweet you can go off on you break now"

"Don't Mind If I Do" I heard Professor sweet say as she quickly clip-clopped out of the room.
" okay sweetheart you can take a seat right over there. And I'll tell you when to come back over so you know I need you back here okay".

She then gave me a really sweet smile. Which did make me feel bad about being late. "Okay thank you". " no problem sweetheart it's my job it's what I'm here for". She said in the regular Sweet Tone she used earlier. I go sit down in the chair she pointed to that was directly next to the desk and began to wait.

I begin to think to myself
I wonder what did I really miss.

( okay so tell me how you're feeling about the story give me good feedback and I'll see you in the next chapter😁😁)

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