Episode1 here I go!!

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(Okay I'm really bad at writing so I'll try my best)


I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off on my night stand. I groggily open my eyes trying to reach for the alarm to shut it off.
I miss and end up accidentally knocking it over. I sat up quickly and catch it and shut it off. I let out a yawn while stretching my arms and back out while sitting the alarm clock back on the nightstand.

I grabbed my phone to check the time seeing as though I was still really sleepy. My phone had a cute white tiger casing on it that I absolutely loved. unlocking my phone to see the cute background of a mouse and all my other apps and then I look at the time.

Holy crap cakes this is bad was all that come to mind while looking at the time. Today will be my first semester of college so I'm a first-year. The thing is to not miss orientation we had to wake up early did I do that no. The time I was supposed to wake up at was 6 a.m. sharp. But sadly my stupid behind decided to wake up at 6:40 a.m. so yeah I was late.

Realizing the time I jumped up out of bed making my white fluffy blanket fall. The only thing going through my mind was Crap. Crap. Crap. I went to the bathroom quickly grabbing my toothbrush putting toothpaste on it and scrubbing fiercely at my teeth. I splash some water on my face and quickly grab the towel that was hanging on the back of my bathroom door. I dried my face and put the towel back on the back of the door. I looked back up into the mirror of my bathroom thinking.

Why didn't mom wake me. Now I'm going to be in trouble on the first day aghhhh. This sucks balls. I stopped thinking for a minute too take a look at myself in the mirror. My blonde short straight hair messy on my head. My lightly tanned skin with a few freckles here and there. My big bold green emerald eyes.

Not to mention I'm an elf so I'm quite short compared to other creatures. But I go past the 4 foot line 4 foot 1 is how tall I am so I'm only an inch taller than my mom.
But aside from that I continue to get ready. I grab a brush that was on the sink counter of the bathroom and brush my hair frantically trying to get ready.

I finished my hair and head over to my closet. Since I had already packed up majority of my things. I only had a few pairs of clothes in there. Today was only orientation which means you got to come straight back home to finish up our packing. Why because they're going to be dorms can you have to share with the roommate so I hope whoever I get is in a total jerk.

But when you finish packing up your things a gargoyle will come get it for you and take it to your room but it's your job to unpack it. But going off of that topic I grab a white button-up shirt from out of the closet. The best eye was black and white the vest being all black with vertical lines that were white on it. I grabbed a ribbon that had a brooch on it.
The Brooch had a cold Crystal on the inside with a black ribbon for you too tight around something. It was a good luck charm of my grandma gave me. Hopefully it works.

I throw on the white button-up in the vest I had grabbed from the closet making sure to put the brooch underneath my collar. And then grab a pair of black jeans from the dresser. I throw them on and put on my socks and grab my black and white Converse. What you think just because we're in some magical fairy tale land that we don't have good brand stuff to. I'm disappointed.

I grabbed my satchel and run out into the hallway. To wear I head to the kitchen. To where I thought I see Mom making some sort of breakfast. But no it was a plate on a table that had a sandwich on it and a note next to it. I pick up the sandwich eating quickly while reading the note.

Dear Jordan

I'm sorry I could not wake you up this morning. But I was called into work early. I wanted to make sure you ate something before you left. Because I know sometimes you can be in a very big rush so I left you a sandwich. I also wanted to tell you make sure all your things are packed you are leaving tomorrow. Take care of yourself properly don't forget to bring your phone and try your best to make it at least a few friends.

Love mom

I finished my sandwich and start walking back to the room to make sure but I grabbed my phone. As I get to the room and pick up my phone that I left in the bathroom. I think to myself walking back to the kitchen ready to walk out of the door. She doesn't have to worry about me. I'm not a little kid anymore. If anything she should be worrying about herself. She's been working a lot lately and it's starting to make me worry and she keeps babying me. I keep telling her that I'm fine I don't need any help but she continues anyway. She has no bad intent to make me feel lower than what I am but sometimes it feels like she is.

Like I'm not grown enough to take care of myself. I'm 19 now I know what I'm doing. It's like ever since dad died she feels the need to do everything. I keep telling her that she doesn't have to but she's just as stubborn as I am.

I stopped my thoughts and I'm outside and I turned to look at the house. Standing on the stone path that led to our house. With a bunch of different flowers and long Bunches of grass surrounding our house he kind of lived in a meadow in a tree.

The trees actually quite a large that's one of the reasons why we live in it. And plus mom thought it was cute. Enough of that I don't want to bring up any sad memories. I looked on my Snapchat won't open it bring me out a small vial that had somewhat of a purplish bluish liquid in it. This was a teleporting potion I hold my nose and drink it as I poofed in front of the school doors.

I then thought to myself that was a lot quicker than I thought it would be. I look up at the big brown doors the head White marble stairs leading up to them but it was only for steps. As excitement and anxiety filled my chest I sucked in a deep breath and let it out then say to myself.

"Here I go!!"

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