This should be interesting

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(This is one of my favorite songs. Also really trying here😔👉👈)


As I had been sitting there Mrs. Flaming and I had a nice long conversation. Just talking about hobbies and other things in life.
But the conversation stoped as someone walked though the door.
"Oh- I guess this is the end of our fun conversation dear" Mrs. Flaming said.
I was a little upset the conversation had to end.

But none the less got to get to know the school somehow. "Why Mrs. Flaming??"
I say a little confused standing up walking to the front of the desk.

" well sweetheart if u look behind you you'll see the person showing you around, your roommate" Mrs. Flaming giggled at the end of her sentence.
I finally turn around and look behind me to see a short faun girl. She had a lower goat like half body with brown and white coloring but just her legs. Everything thing else was human up.

She has long wavy hair that was a light brown. And dark brown skin with freckles scattered across her face. With a black nose. She had on a black and white striped crop top with black shorts on. With two golden bracelets around her wrist

"This is Chelsea duke she will be showing you around" Mrs. Flaming said. Waiting for me to introduce myself "oh sorry my name is Jordan Greenhouse" I say a little fast, in an excited tone.

" well it's really nice to meet you Jordan as you know I'm your roommate and I'll be showing you around. We got to hurry it's around 7:56 and we need to start looking around before the halls are filled with a bunch of other people. So they can all move around to see other people and get the other places"

She had said those words so fast I kinda didn't hear her. And she sounded really energetic and excited.

Before I knew it I was grabbed by the back of my collar not knowing what was going on.
We're the hell are we going!?!
I think to myself in shock. Mrs. Flaming yelled something before Chelsea walked out the with my collar still in her hand.

"Go easy on him chels he's new here." I heard a chuckle at the end of her sentence. "I WILL BEYYYY" Chelsea yelled back as she draged me out the door. The door closed behind us and she dropped me.
"OW" I say loudly she looked down at me "oh sorry!! But anywhooo what do you want to see first." she said changing the subject quickly.

I stand up brushing off the front and back of my pants. "Well.."


"That was... Very FUN!!" Chelsea said in a energetic and excited tone as usual. I on the other hand I was out of breath and bent over breathing heavy.

"We... Basically.. Talked and ran to .... Each place in th- the school. Chelsea!!"
She just looked down at me and smiled saying "it's always good to exercise!!"

I swear this girl might just be the death of me. I think to myself standing up finally catching my breath. Chelsea spoke suddenly " well I guess the last thing we have to do is go check out our dorm". I nodded my head in responses we start walking through the corridor. Chelsea told me while we were looking around the campus this was the fastest way to get to our dorm.

"Everything here is co-ed.
So in other words that means if you feel safe enough being a boy to walk into the girls changing room because you don't like changing in the boys changing room then you are permitted to go inside if you like. It works the same way with bathrooms an dorm rooms. But if you lie about it, it can cause some serious consequences"

I was thinking to myself what Chelsea gets out of this, showing me around the school.

We had finally made it to the front of a big long hallway that had many other doors on each side. Each door having had a number on it. "Our dorm room number is 124 were at the very end of the hall. The room across from us is 125. I suggest you not bother them."

She said to me as we started to walk down the hall getting closer to the room. Passing door number 122.
"Huh??. Why do you say that Chelsea" I say to her in a confused tone. looking forward to continuing to pass 123.

"Well..." she said as we stopped in front of our room door pulling out the key from her pocket

This should be interesting. I said in my head waiting for her to answer

( sorry this chapter is kind of short I got some work I need to do for class. See you in the next chapter😁)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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