Chapter 17- The end of break

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Sienna's POV

This week flew by. Mallori and James helped us escape form home, and we stayed at the Potters of the rest of the break. Me and James got to know each other a bit more. And I'm going to start 6th year soon.

I just finished packing up my trunk. "Ready?" A female voice asked. I turned my head around to see my real family, Mallori, Sirius, and.. James. "Yes!" I said picking my trunk up. "Great lets go." Mallori declared.

*mini time skip*

We were standing outside of platform 9 3/4. James ran into the platform. "You next Sienna." Mrs. Potter said. I nodded my head. Even though I've done this thousands of times I still get a litte nervous.

I walk up to my running position and close my eyes. I pick my feet up and run. I run as fast as I can. I slowly open my eyes and there it was. The Hogwarts express. I turned around to see Mallori and Sirius.

I walk into the train and into the compartment we always sit in. I open the door and see Remus. "Remus!" I shrieked hugging him. "Sienna!" He imitated me. I just rolled my eyes and sat down.

Soon James, Sienna, and Mallori came rushing in. "MOONY!" James and Sirius yelled hugging him. "How sweeeeet!" Me and Mallori sarcastically said.

As Mallori was sitting down the train jerked causing her to fall. Everyone started laughing at her. "Oh hush," Mallori ordered, "I didn't laugh at Sirius's dirty underwear." Everyone went into a fit of laughs again. Sirius's cheeks became rosy red.

I pulled out my book I was reading love and war. I was on the last chapter. "ugh reading." Mallori snatched the book out of me hand. "hey!" I yelled trying to get my book back. She just laughed. "Here." She said. I picked my book up and stuffed it back in my trunk.

*time skip brought to you but Remus's chocolate stash*

The train jerked to a stop. I went to go get my trunk. But of course I had to be short. "Here." James said grabbing my trunk for me. "Thanks." I thanked him. "anytime." He replied.

I walked out of the train and looked up. Hogwarts. My real home. I caught up with Mallori and walked inside the castle. "I forgot how much I missed this place." I squealed walking up the stairs. Mallori just nodded her head in response.

I walked up to the fat lady. "Password?" She calmly asked. I scratched my head. I always forgot it. "Troll snot." Mallori said. The Portrait swung open. "Thanks!" I thanked her. She just nodded her head again.

I ran up the stairs to my dorm I shared with Mallori. I walked over to my wardrobe and quickly unpacked. Mallori stumbled up the staircase. "You ok?" I asked. "Just tired." She mumbled. She pulled out her wand and gave it a swish.

All of her clothes flew out her trunk. The wardrobe opened up and the clothes stuffed themselves inside. I forgot how cool that looked. I kicked my trunk under my bed and went into the bathroom.

I got changed into my night clothes. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Mallori's face down on the bed. I just sighed. I walked over to my bed and laid down. "We have a big day tomorrow." I said.

Mallori just mumbled something I didn't quite catch. "goodnight." I whispered. I heard a soft snore form Mallori in response. I tuned my lamp off and laid back down. I wonder what tomorrows going to bring me..

614 words

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