Chapter 1- High school is a nightmare

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Chapter 1- High School is a Nightmare 

 Awesome trailer to the side made by BirchDapple :) thank you so much  :D

Lance Bainbridge

“Lance, get your ass down here.”  Ooh great the monster was up and ready to pounce. “LANCE!” Brad screamed at the top of his lungs. God what was his problem.  Slowly I made my way over to the devil child and found he was screaming from the bathroom. “Lance! Did you take my hair gel?” Brad looked at me, at my nerdiness and then snickered. “Of course you didn’t. Sorry. Ooh and tell dad you need a ride to school. I can’t be seen with a geek like you.”  He went back to ruffling up his hair and I wanted to laugh at him but held it back. Great. Now I had no way to get to school. “Hey Lancelot.” Dad had a laptop in front of him and was running a new program through it. So we are clear my name isn’t Lancelot. It’s just Lance. Dad had very strange nick names, but then again he couldn’t get enough of the TV show Merlin. I sighed and sat down next to him. “Hey dad, ooh I need a ride to school. Brad won’t take me.” Dad nodded knowingly. He was used to things like this happening. Having your brother as the most popular guy in school, when you are only just a geeky kid, really wasn’t helpful. “Well Lance, I’m taking Charlotte to school today plus they need me to fix up some computers. She wants me to go to the Tea and Coffee later, she says that Megan’s mum seems interesting and really nice” I looked at dad. For chocolates sake, Charlotte was insane, already setting dad up. “So you can ride her bike. It’s not to far from school. You can handle it.” Ooh great. I was going to have to ride my sisters little bike to school. Way to be laughed at more than I am. I probably won’t even fit on it. She is ten. I’m going to be the laughing stoke of the century. Damn it. Why couldn’t I own a car? Even a motorbike. Anything that kept me from being the laughing stock.

Holy freaking goat cheese, It is PINK! Not only that but it has pink pompoms on the side. How could dad do this to me? How could God do this to me? Hadn’t I suffered enough humiliation to last a lifetime? What was wrong with the world? Swallowing and taking a deep breath I pushed my glasses up further on my nose and checked the mirrors to make sure no remains of this morning’s breakfast were stuck in my braces, and then being a warrior I got onto the bike. My legs were practically lying on the ground. I knew I would be standing up the whole way to school. Trying to pedal on this bike was going to be hard. Sure enough I was on my way to school, on a girly bike with my hair flying in front of my face and my glasses threatening to fall off. Ooh Bradley Bainbridge. I will get you for this.


Turning the final corner, that had total view of the school, was chaos. Basically everyone who drover passed laughed and beeped their horns at me and put their windows down to take photos. That wasn’t even the worst part. When I rode into the school Brad stared at me with a glare in his eyes. He was humiliated.



Although maybe he was embarrassed, but my face was so red from everyone staring I knew he had won more. Ooh brotherly love.  I quickly put the bike in the bike rack and watched as some cheerleaders took photos of me and laughed. Queen bee, Audrey looked at me painfully, as if she felt sorry for me and then laughed her evil little squeaky laugh. Bitch. Damn high school.

“I heard you rode to school on a girl’s bike.” Frank Le (Ironic? Frankly), said laughing a bit. Seeing he was a nerd too I kind of assumed he would be like. “Don’t worry; science will create a better world. Don’t even think about the embarrassing state that you must have witnessed.” But no he laughed at me. This day was turning into hell. I thought Frank was kind of my friend. We sat at the same table at the cafeteria. We talked nerd together and started papers that weren’t due for weeks. I thought Frank would have been a bit sympathetic but no.

Could this day get any worse? I doubt it.

Ooh how wrong one can be.

Aubrey Cambell

“Look at that geek!” Lulu said giggling a little. “Maybe I should ask daddy for a bike like that” I gave her a strange look then said “maybe that’s not the best idea, it would destroy your reputation” She nodded her head a bit agreeing.

The geek or better know as ‘Sir Lancelot’, who ever that is, could hardly fit on that little 7 year olds bike.

We all stared at him and I felt kind of sorry for him, but then again it was hilarious, so I got out my iPhone and started taking pictures with all the rest of the girls.

Even all the other Geekazoids were laughing at him.

We heard the screeching buzzing sound of the school siren, telling us to go into class. I don’t understand why we have to go to this hell whole, it’s just all so boring and what even is a Projector anyways. Is it one of those things they use in hospitals? Yeah, I think it is! I think I’m gonna ace classes this year.

We started walking towards the school entrance and I saw Reece walking with his mates.

“Hey babes” I said, walking up to him and giving him a kiss, all the people around us rushing to class.

He pulls away then we slowly walk into the school corridor towards the library.

“So I’m guessing we’re skipping class?” I asked him. He nodded with a smirk on his face.

We went into the almost deserted library and went to the back behind some of the shelves of books people never read, I still don’t get why people read in the first place. I started reading Twilight but it was just about some Sad lo life, I mean who would want to read that?

Reece started kissing me passionately but we were interrupted by the blaring noise of the loud speaker. “AUBREY CAMBELL TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY” What is wrong with him, if told him a thousand times to call me Bre, Oh Sh*t that’s me. Reece looked at me annoyed and stormed off cockily.  I slowly got up and groaned, not wanting to go but made my way to the principal’s office.

I walked into the office and saw my father sitting there with a disappointed look on his face. What the hell? “Take a seat Aubrey.” Mr. Alton the principle said.

“It’s Bre” I said annoyed. I sat down to receive my fate. “We are concerned about your grades Miss Cambell. It has come to our attention that you have been skipping class and missing assignments. We are sad to inform you that if your grades continue like this over the next semester, you will no longer have a place at Bowning High.” Dad looked at Mr. Alton anger evident in his eyes. “Well then Bowning High will not be receiving any further payments from me for that new swimming pool or anything else for that matter. I can not have threats at my daughter. How can we get her grades high?” Mr. Alton looked at dad like he had been waiting for this moment to finally come, not about the payments about the whole ‘what can we do’ part. Mr. Alton looked directly at me this time and said:

“We will assign Miss Cambell a tutor, and I have the perfect person in mind.”


We love twilight, no hate intended. 

What did you think of Lance and Aubrey?

:) :) 

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