Chapter 4

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Sorry for all the cliffhangers guys but its hilarious to see your reaction to them :)

anyways enjoy chapter 4!


Austin's P.O.V,

As Aubree opened up her front door all I could see was fear, panic, and hurt wash over that little perfect face of hers.

When she came and took the baseball bat away from me I knew who ever this punk was, he was bad news. A growl erupted from low back in my throat. When she had turned around tell me to stay inside it took everything I had to not go beat the live out of that boy for hurting Aubree. As she walk back to the front door I told her to holler if she needed anything.

As soon as she shut the door I sprinted over to the windows. I sat there and watching the boy trying to figure out who he was and how he was connected to Aubree.

I was sitting there running threw all the guys names she has told me about from her old school.

Nick, Dillon, Will, Clay, Zach, Westley.... Wait! She always talked about one named Zach!

As I realized his name I connected him with Aubree crying for hours next to me, her pushing away any and all guys that showed any interested in her, and most important of all I connected him with the time I caught Aubree cutting herself. (but thankfully I made her pinkie promise bite her thumb that she would never do it again) As I connected the memories I started with shaking with rage and remembering the time I swore to Aubree that the next time I saw Zach I would kill him.

I didn't realize I was in my own little world til I was shaken by Zach screaming "I KNOW SORRY DOESN'T FIX EVERYTHING BUT I CAN AT LEAST TRY!" As soon as I heard him scream that I ran to the front windows, I saw Aubree walking back to the front door and Zach ran up behind her and swung her around by her shoulder.

As soon as I saw Aubree coward down and Zach raise his hand up I flew out of that house I heard them each say something but I didn't care what it was all I cared about was getting that creep away from my precious little Aubree.

After I ran over him I picked him up and threw him in his stupid little 2006 puke green Chevy cobalt. I looked him straight in the eye and with all the hate in my body said, "If you know whats good for you Zach you will get the hell out of here and never come back."

After Zach peeled out flipping me the bird I turned around to face Aubree who was standing there, her tiny frame shaking, all I wanted to do at that moment was take her in my arms and never let her go. But sadly I know she wouldn't like that cuz she didn't like me that way.

So I did all I could which was put my arm around her and tell her that we should go inside so I could try and calm her down even tho she stopped shaking when I touched her which was strange.

As I touched her the sparks I've come to like started going off again. I mustered up all my courage and asked her the question I'd wanted to ask her for weeks, "Please tell me you feel the sparks too Aubree..."


No one will ever know how happy I was in that single moment. As soon as she said yes I contemplated whether or not I should kiss her by look down to her lips then to her gorgeous deep brown eyes that could melt anyone, then finally I looked back down to her lips and kissed her.

My god I thought I would be blown away by the sparks that erupted from that kiss. Our lips were moving in perfect sync. Ever so slowly I wrap my arms around her waist to pull her closer to me and as I did that her hands found there way around my neck and her tiny delicate fingers wrapped themselves in my hair. I took a brave step and grabbed her up to were she had her legs wrapped around me. The kiss deepened so I took my tongue and asked for entrance. She happily allowed me and as each of our tongues fought for dominance her legs tightened around my waist.

I knew I should stop this kiss before we got any more involved but to tell you the truth I didn't want the kiss to end.

As neither of us were winning in the fight for dominance in the kiss we both just finally gave in to defeat. As she slowly loosened her leg grip on me I let her down and we just stood there for a moment. I loved every second of it cuz the girl of my dreams was finally in my arms again safe and protected from anyone or thing that could hurt her.

I looked down at her and noticed two things, one she was breathing heavily and two I was also breathing heavily.

"Maybe we should go inside." I barely said above a whisper because I was so outta breath.


Well thats the end of this chapter!! I know you guys love me and my cliff hanger endings! :)

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