Chapter 2

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So after getting approximately 2 hours of sleep I encountered the joy of getting up and facing the day. Knowing that the only person I wanted to even try and impress was going to be Austin I wore my black skinny jeans with my white falcon marching band t-shirt along with my grey converses. Then came the hardest part, taming my mess of hair, with the knowledge that it was gonna be warm today I did a simple straightened ponytail. Since I still had a hour and a half til the band director wanted the students there to set everything out for the yard sale I decided that I might as well text Austin to meet me over at McDonald's. But just as i was about to write him the txt last nights events came rushing back like a horrid drunken memory.

As the memories came back my heart rate picked up, my palms got sweaty, and I felt like I was gonna be sick. I hit the cancel button as fast and as many times as I could. I saw that he had texted me like 10 time last night after the bowling alley incident, I just ignored everyone of them, not even bothering to check what they said cause i know it would just make even more panic set in. After what happened last night I really didn't want to face him. I would of rather drive 2 hours to my uncle and aunt's house to baby sit there 4 kids rather than face Austin today. But knowing that my help was really needed today at the yard sale I decided to grow some and go since I still had 45 minutes to get there and it only takes like 5 minutes to get to the school from my house I decided to eat a bowl of fruit loops then head out the door to my wonderful 2009 red Ford Ranger that my parents graciously gave me when I was 15.

On the way to the school I stopped by McDonald's to get a sweet tea but as I pulled up I saw the drive-Thur was all the way out in the road so I made a last second decision to just stop by the gas station beside the school and get one cause I needed to stop and get gas anyway.

As I was pulling up in to the gas station I noticed Austin's prized Midnight Black 2012 Mustang Cobra Jet pull up to the gas pump beside me out of the corner of my eye. I was half way across the parking lot to the gas station when I heard him holler out my name "Aubree!" I stopped dead in my tracks but refused to turn around to face him. I felt him stop right behind me and we just stood there for a second, finally he said "Why didn't you respond to any of my texts after the bowling alley last night?" lying right threw my teeth I said "I never got any of them.", he layed his hand on my shoulder and spun me around. "Aubree were best friends that know everything about each other, so I can tell your lying. So tell me why didn't you text me back last night? Is it cuz of what I was about to say before you left..." I could tell there was hurt from my lye in my best friends eyes so I decided to tell him the truth. "It's not what you said, it's what I thought you going to say...".

"Well what did you think I was going to say?" I tried my best to come up with a simple way to sum up all of my hours of non-sleep thinking but in the end all I could say was "I don't know, I really don't Austin." and with that I just walked away and got back in my truck started it up and drove off. I was trying to get home as fast as I could so I took the back roads so I could really use all of my 143 horse power.

As soon as I got home I texted Sandie so she could tell the band director that I wasn't going to be able to come today and that I was truly sorry. Knowing that no one would be home for hours I ran up to my room, snuggled under my bed sheets and just layed there for a few minutes. Then remembering that I had forgotten to lock the door back in my hast to get to the comforts of my room I sadly got back up, walked to the front door and locked it. But just as I got back under my sheets and ready to try and get some sleep I heard my window open.

Remembering that I showed Austin and my other best friend Morgan how to climb into my room without using the door a few years ago I ducked under my covers try to flatten out myself best I could hoping he wouldn't see me. But then I felt someone jump on me, then and there I knew it was one of the only people besides Austin that knows me better than myself, Morgan Dickey. Before I could realize what was going on my blankets were being pulled off me and a big Sam Club sized thing of 125 chocolate pudding cups. "Austin said you were upset over something but you wouldn't talk to him about it so I figured we would need this." All I could do was laugh cuz I knew I could ever be mad at someone who brought me pudding let alone food!

After about an hour of explaining and about 50 cups of pudding later, I finally looked up at her and all I saw was her face in udder shock which turned in to her signature smirk and she whispered so quiet that I almost didn't hear her, "You like Austin." I asked "What?!" once to make sure I heard her right then she flat out shriek and jumped up, "YOU LIKE AUSTIN AND HE LIKES YOU!!!!" I sat there for a second wide eyed with my mouth hanging open watching Morgan jump around my room like an idiot letting it sink in. It all made since now and I admitted in my head that, yes I do really like Austin but of course I'm not gonna admit that out loud. But i'm almost 99.9% sure he doesn't like me. So I jumped up and tackled her foot ball style all while screaming "NO I DON'T AND NO HE DOESN'T!!" We ended up laying there laughing for 10 minutes. After we got done she jumped up and walked to the bathroom and I just layed there probably looking like a idiot I was smiling so big. Then I heard her come out and she walked over towards me and said, "I just texted him you were okay now and you wanted him to come over, so i'm out bye!" Then she started running as fast as she could towards my front door. I jumped up and ran to the door which was still swing open in the wind to see her pulling away in her red Camero I screamed, "Your gonna pay for this Morgan!" closing the door then laughing my head off. 

I looked down at my phone to see that Austin had texted saying he would be over in 10 minutes. I screamed then ran up stairs to clean up a little bit. Hopefully today would turn in from bad to good and not vice versa.....

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