Part 6

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Jimin: Jin wants you two to go downstairs

You: tell him I said no

Jimin: Sorry, I don't feel like dying today

You: well too bad chim chim

he leaves Jungkook's room. a few moments later

Jin: KIM Y/N!

You jump at the sudden yell

Jungkook: You have about 15 seconds

You quickly get off the floor and you run down the stairs. You appear in front of your brother

You: Yes

Jin: you were supposed to bring Jungkook too

You walk over to the stairs

You: Jungkook!

Jungkook: Yeah

You: come down

Jungkook: Hell nah


Jin: Y/N!

Jungkook runs down the stairs

You: problem solved

they guys looked at you with wide eyes

Yoongi: she is definitely Jin's sister

Hobi: That's kinda scary

you smiled innocently

Jin: lunch is done

You all gather around the table.

Hobi: Hey Y/N what's your favorite movie?

You: hmm

Jin: Just ask her, her favorite drama she'll answer that one in like 10 seconds

Hobi: ok, then what's your favorite drama

You: While you were sleeping, crossing the line, Just You, crash landing on you, Strong girl bong-soon, Stranger, My First first love, Triad princess, it's okay not to be okay,my shy boss, well intended love, accidentally in love, romance is a bonus book, the prince of tennis, Meteor garden, one spring night, the perfect match, Abyss, Cinderella and the four knights, love alarm, pretty man, my holo love,

Tae: that's a lot

You: fall in love with me, bring it on ghost, Murphy's law of love, angel and devil, descendants of the sun, what's wrong with secretary Kim

Jin: Y/N I think that's enough

You: but I'm not done

Namjoon: But I think you broke them

You looked around the table and saw them staring at you with wide eyes

Tae: That's 29 dramas!

You: there is at least another 30

Hobi: that's a lot

You: well, when you live alone, and you don't have a job you tend to spend a lot of time on the tv

Jimin: How is even possible to watch that many

You: You watch one drama within 3 days?

After eating you helped Tae and Hobi clean up the kitchen

Hobi: so, Y/n besides watching dramas what do you like to do

You: well I like dancing, and singing, I also like watching Jin completely em-

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