Part 16

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Y/n POV: When you woke up felt awful. You felt arms wrapped around your frame, holding onto you tightly. You opened your eyes and you see Hobi sleeping peacefully. You just looked at him until he opened his eyes. He smiled and you return it, just weakly

Hobi: how do you feel?

You just shake your head no. you could feel the tears forming. You honestly felt awful, you just wanted to stay in bed, but you hate doing that

Hobi: ok, shh it's ok

he brought you closer to him and you hug his waist. he puts his chin on your head

Hobi: why don't I go get you some medicine

You: no, stay

he nods

Hobi: ok baby, i'll ask one of the guys to get some

You nod your head. Soon the door opens, but you didn't want to move so you didn't even look to see who it was

Yoongi: Jin said she should take these

Hobi: thanks hyung

he whispers. he probably thought you were sleeping, sense your eyes were closed. he didn't move much until the door closed

Hobi: sunshine?

you hummed in response

Hobi: you should take this medicine

You sat up and he gives you a cup of water and 2 different pills. You honestly didn't pay attention to what they were, you just took them. you gave the water back to him, and he puts it on the table

You: is there a concert tonight?

Hobi: nope, today is our day off

you nod. as soon as he lays back down you cuddled up to him. he stroked your hair, as you put your head against his chest. 

Hobi POV: all Y/n wanted to do was sleep, which was worrying you. Yes, she liked cuddling but it's 11am and she has only gotten out of bed once, and that was to use the bathroom. her fever was off and on. she didn't eat breakfast, and Jin said he would make her some soup for lunch. Y/n was sleeping while you were watching TikTok on her phone. when she received a text message

Wonjin: umm
can I ask you something?

You wanted to know what he was going to say so you replied

You: sure, what's up

Wonjin: I want to know if you're truly happy
like the truth

You didn't give a response back, because you wondered the same thing. You just turned off her phone and you put it on the table. You turn to your girlfriend and you hug her waist. You kissed her forehead. You ended up falling asleep, but you were awoken by the hotel door opening.

Jin: I made the soup

you sat up, while Y/n had a tight grip still on your waist

You: baby?

she groaned, she probably didn't like it that you woke her up

You: you should eat

she stayed quiet, you let out a sigh. You forcefully disconnect her arms from your waist and you made her sit up. You sat behind her so she wouldn't lay back down. she opened her eyes, and started whining

Y/n: let me sleeeeep

You: no, you need to eat

Y/n: I want to sleep

her voice was shaky and quiet, you could tell she was about to cry. Jin could tell too and his eyes widen. he puts the tray of food on the bed next to you and runs out of the room. You wrapped your arms around her waist, back hugging her

You: please sunshine, just a few bites

Y/n: noo i want to sleep

she started crying. you got out from behind her and you pick her up. you sit on the edge of the bed with her on your lap. her arms were around your waist, as she cried hiding her face in the nape of your neck. One of your hands rested on the back of her head while the other rubbed her back in circles. You rocked side to side trying to calm her down. when he stopped crying you both sat there for a minute, until you spoke.

You: can you eat a few bites please

she nods her head. you back up a little so you could see her face. You wiped away the tears. You picked her up and you put her down on the bed. You grab the tray and you put it on the table near the closet. You then go back to y/n picking her up. You sit down on a chair, putting her on your lap. You give her the soup. she ate about half, before giving up

You: do you want to take a bath?

she shakes her head no

You: let's at least change your clothes ok?

Y/n: ok

you kissed her on the cheek. You put her down on the bad and you go into her suitcase. You pull out a pair of sweats, and a t-shirt. you also grab your hoodie. when you got home last night you had changed her into pajamas. You helped her change. she laid back in bed as you changed. You wore matching clothes with her. when you were done she was already asleep. You felt her forehead, her fever was gone. You grabbed the tray and you leave your room going into Jin and Yoongi's room. You saw Jimin and Namjoon there too

Jin: Hobi! did she eat

You: she ate some, but not much

Namjoon: at least she ate something. Anytime she gets sick she would refuse to eat

Jin: yeah, a few times I had to take her to the hospital it got so bad

Jimin: army is wondering what's going on

You: oh, you're doing a live

Jimin nods his head. Jin takes the tray and you go over to Jimin

You: well, Y/n isn't feeling good, and got a fever suddenly last night, she's been sleeping all day

Jimin: Jin said Y/n started to cry and he left 

You: actually she wasn't even crying at that point but he Fled the scene as if he just witnessed a murder


You: not for me

you heard the door open and you all turn to the door, to see y/n coming in with your hoodie on and the hood up, while holding a blanket

Y/n: oppa

she looked awful

You: come here baby

she shuffled her feet walking over to you. she sits down next to you and lays her head down on your lap. she covers herself in the blanket, and closes her eyes. You looked at the camera and the at Jimin, who had the same worried expression as you did

 You looked at the camera and the at Jimin, who had the same worried expression as you did

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