End and Beginning

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"Alright guys, only about twelve more hours till the final planet, and then Astra!" Beamed Kanata throwing his fist up in the air.

"Aye yeah!" Cheered team B-5 in unison, some with tears in their eyes.

"Wow, I can't believe our journey is almost over. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm kinda sad it's ending." Quitterie weeped, while looking around at her friends with agreeing expressions.

Everyone looked at each other with contentment, silence setting the mood in a way words never could. Ulgar turned around to find Luca right behind him. They gave each other approving nods with warm smiles. Luca was proud of Ulgar for how far he's come. For how far all of them came. This is truly a journey that team B-5 will never forget. The moment lasted for a few seconds before it was interrupted by Aries's grumbling stomach.

"Welp...moment ruined." Luca glared at Aries, followed by everyone else turning towards the girl.

"Oops...haha sorry," giggled Aries. "I'm just really hungry. Charce, did you finish making dinner yet?"

"Yes, almost ready." Charce left the lounge for the kitchen to check on the food.

Everyone in the lounge wandered into their own little conversation bubble of two or three crew mates, explaining their own hopes and dreams for the future. Ulgar stuck with Luca, as always. He considered him his best friend. The person most alluring in both appearance and nature. The person who changed his whole purpose in life. A best friend that makes him feel safe, and for some reason, can't get him out of his mind most of the time. Perhaps the 'best friend' label was an understatement. Luca knew there was something there ever since he realized he was the only person Ulgar talked to before the secrets were revealed on the beach. Now that he thinks about it, why did he agree to go fishing with him, and only him, in the first place?

"Dinner's ready!" Charce sparkled, bringing in a tray of food.

Aries was the first to dig in to her meal, enjoying every last bite. "Mmm so delicious!"

As the students devoured their food, Ulgar turned to face Luca about to say something. "hey-" Luca stopped eating and turned. Ulgar then noticed a few crumbs around Luca's mouth and without hesitation, reached to wipe them off. "y-you got a little something," he used his thumb to remove the crumbs, also feeling the comforting softness of Luca's skin. The emo teen then realized there were other people watching this scene unfold and quickly removed his fingers from the purple-haired teen. His face red while awaiting the witty remarks that are sure to follow.

"Wow you really wanted an excuse to touch me, huh?" Luca teased while the others cooed and giggled around them, much to Ulgar's disliking.

"I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for? I think it's cute how you look after me all the time." Luca smirked while resting his chin on top of Ulgar's shoulder.

The emo teen only hummed in response, hiding the embarrassment in his face by finishing his dinner. Luca never thought of Ulgar to be the blushing, awkward type when they first met, but Luca enjoys getting a reaction out of him when he says something as simple as the word 'cute.' The students finished their meal and they all agreed it was now time for lights out. Charce and Aries stayed back to clean up the dirty plates while the rest performed their normal nightly routine. Ulgar silently escaped to his room, changed into his night shirt, and crawled into bed. He tried to remove Luca out of his mind once again before he heard the door whoosh open. Who was it to bother him now? The emo teen sat up trying to focus his eyes on the silhouette in the doorway.

"Hey, I just came to say goodnight." A voice now approaching and the shadow taking a seat at the foot of the bed. Ulgar turned on the light, revealing Luca as the figure. He's not surprised.

ASTRA LOST IN SPACE: Luca x Ulgar One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now