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"Good morning, Quitterie!" Grinned Aries, noticing the tired blonde approaching while preparing their rationed breakfast in the kitchen. Quitterie was bed-headed with wrinkled pajamas while Aries looked like she had been up for hours. There really wasn't that much food left, but it shouldn't be for long, as they'll restock when they reach Planet Galem.

"Morning." Quitterie yawned, amazed at how chipper Aries was after waking up. Breakfast mostly contained of fruits and berries, as there was no more meat left in storage. "Where's Charce?" Quitterie asked, as he is the one to usually prepare their meals.

"He's still asleep. I though I could surprise everyone by making a yummy breakfast!" Aries smiled. Not actually cooking anything, but it's the thought that counts.

"Hey Aries, did you hear...crying last night? I just assumed it was a dream, but it kinda sounded like Luca." Quitterie frowned, helping Aries with breakfast.

"Actually...yes! I thought it was a dream too. But Luca's room is far away from mine. It sounded like it was coming from Ulgar's bedroom, which is next to mine." Her impeccable memory recalling where every single crew mate called their room.

"Did that idiot make Luca cry?! If so, I will-"

"Let's not jump to conclusions. After Luca wakes up, we should talk to him." The pink-haired girl reasoned with the blonde, while carrying plates of strategically cut fruits and berries to the table in the lounge.

"It's weird. If we're right about Luca crying in Ulgar's room and Ulgar was the one who made him cry then...I-I don't know I thought they were like, developing feelings for each other."

"Hm?" Aries had already sat down and began stuffing her face with sustenance.

"Don't you think we should wait for the others first?" Quitterie glared at the hungry pink-haired girl, indicating that they shouldn't start eating yet.

"Oops yeah...haha sorry." Giggled Aries, resisting the remaining mouth-watering fruits on her plate.

"Anyway." The blonde took a seat. "Haven't you noticed that Luca teasing Ulgar sounds more like flirting? Think about it, he calls him cute all the time and they are literally inseparable and they-"

"Hey, mornin' guys!" Kanata interrupted, greeting Aries and Quitterie with a loud yawn. He was followed by Charce, Zack, Funi, Yunhua, and Polina, the delectable berries gravitating them to the table.

"You two made breakfast for us?" Charce sparkled.

"Yup! I know it's not much but I wanted to surprise you guys!" Aries squealed, visibly proud of herself.

"Thank you Aries!" Funi enjoyed her breakfast.

Zack ate up quickly and checked the navigation for the ship. Two more hours of faster than light travel, then they will land on Galem.


Ulgar managed to get a few hours of sleep, however he was extremely exhausted. That wasn't nearly enough. He was apprehensive that that others would be concerned about him sleeping in later than usual. He usually isn't the very first one up, but it's more rare for him to be the last one up. He heard chattering coming from the lounge. Rubbing his eyes and stretching, Luca made his way back into his brain. Oh crap! We kissed, didn't we? Thinking of it as just a nightmare had been his only hope. Who knew a nightmare could feel so enchanting? Taking off his nightshirt, he grasped its shoulder. Bone dry. He heard Luca's voice greeting the rest of the team. Perhaps he should try to avoid him for the day? No. That would be impossible. Ulgar couldn't stay in his room forever. He got dressed and reached for his beanie on the dresser. That's when he noticed a used tissue on the floor, semi hidden under the bed. He looked down at it for a little too long. It definitely was not a dream. He picked it up and threw it out in the garbage without hesitation.

ASTRA LOST IN SPACE: Luca x Ulgar One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now