Wont leave him alone

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"Well we should head to class we only have two minutes left"Don said "Oh okay"Ray said and walked away from them.He was walking to his second period but someone came to bother him "So what's your second period?"Norman asked him "Math and you?"Ray asked him "Oh I see we have the same class again and I expected you to tell me to go away"Norman told him "I would but I know you still wouldn't leave me alone so there's no point"Ray replied to him "Yeah your right but anyways that girl with the orange hair your dating her?"Norman said "Yeah we are"Ray lied "Hmm okay anyways want to be friends?"Norman asked him "Should I be friends with you?"Ray asked himself "My opinion we should be friends"Norman told him "nah I'm good"Ray answers his question "Too bad your my friend now"Norman said and smiled."Theres so many people out there and you chose to be my friend?? oh Cmon I just got here today?!"Ray told him "Because you seem interesting and plus your new so you need friends" Norman said "Wow what seems so interesting about me?"Ray asked "Well your cute-"Norman was going to continue but stopped when he realized what he just said.Ray face turned red as a tomato "Oh shit Ray I didn't mean to say that I uh"Norman was now panicking "I-"Ray didn't know what to say,"Listen Ray can we pretend I didn't say nothing?!"Norman asked."Can we just go to class"Ray said "Oh..uh sure"Norman replied,they walked to class without a sound..

Skip 2 period is now lunch🧍🏽‍♀️

Ray couldn't get it off from his head that Norman called him cute,"Hey Ray you've been looking really zoned out is there something wrong?"Anna asked him "Oh there's nothing wrong don't worry"Ray replied "So anyways like I was saying-"Emma tried to talk before someone disrupted them "Hey Ray how are you doing?"Norman said and wrapped his hand around him "I'm doing fine"Ray replied "Dont think I forgot about earlier"Ray said and Normans face turned red "Ray I told you to forget about that!!"Norman whined "Whatever your the one that said it"Ray told him "I said it by accident now shush!"Norman replied "Nah I'll keep reminding you"Ray said and snickered."What happened earlier?"Don asked "Well you see-"Ray tried to explain "BLAH BLAH NOTHING HAPPENED"Norman said out loud "Are you two friends?"Gilda asked them "Yeah because he won't leave me alone until I say yes"Ray told them."That's new"Anna said "Well Ray let's go now!"Emma said,Norman rolled his eyes "Jealous?"Emma mouthed to him."So what if I am?"Norman mouthed back "Emma where are we going?"Ray asked for the third time since she didn't listen the first two times "Oh let's go in the back of the school where the garden is at"Emma told him "Alright"Ray replied and made there way to the garden outside.

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