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It took them about three days to get to Tennessee since they were taking a plane.They mostly slept on the plane waiting till they got there.Soon they arrived.

Ray looked around "Were finally here let's go visit my sister!"Giuliana said "I can't wait to meet her!"Ray was excited.'You already did tho you just don't remember'Nick thought to himself.


"Look these are my friends back in Tennessee!"Ray showed Nick a picture "when are you going to go visit them?" Nick asked him."Soon I miss them"Ray told him

Few weeks later

Ray had gotten in a accident
"Sorry due to the accident he may had loose some memories or people"A doc told Nick and Giuliana."Is there a way we can bring them back?!"Giuliana asked."You can try but sometimes he can be very familiar with things but doesn't remember"She said and left.

"Hey Ray do you remember these people"Nick showed him a picture of him with everyone.Ray eyed they picture "no I never met them but they look familiar?"Ray said.Nick sighed, he had forgotten about them.

End of flashback

Once they got to Gildas house,she wasn't home.Giuliana tracked her phone and she was at someone else's house."Alright well she's not here"She told them."But we're gonna go see her anyways!"She said and they drove to the house.Ray looked at the house "We're here now let's go"Giuliana said getting off the car.

At Normans house

"Norman,Emma you can't just sit around and be sad all day"Gilda told them."What do you want me to do!" Norman told her "Not be sad?"She didn't know what to say."Alright get up and go get dressed"Don pushed both of them up "BUT I DONT WANNAAAA" Emma whined.

There was a knock on the door "I'll get it"Liam said going towards the door and opened it.Giuliana and Nick were the first ones who walked in,Gilda turned around and saw her."Guili what are you doing here?"Gilda asked while she was in shock."I can't surprise my sister?!"Giuliana told her "Gilda you had a sister and never told me!"Emma felt offended.

With Ray

Hmm I wonder why I have to stay out here but this place looks very familiar why?"Gilda you had a sister and never told me!"I heard a familiar voice say. Hold up my head is hurting so bad right now!,wait Emma.Who's Emma?! Why did she come up in my head. Orange yellow-ish hair,green eyes.Wait I met her before,Emma Emma Emma!

Flash back

"Look what I found Ray!"Emma ran to me holding up a book."Yeah what is it?"I asked her "there a whole bunch of places around the world,when we grow older let's travel together!"She said cheerfully.

"Ray here's a necklace it shows we'll be best friends forever!"Emma handed me a necklace."Yeah we'll be best friends forever"I told her.

End of flashback

"Wait now I remember!"I said out loud I ran inside the house and spotted her immediately.I saw everyone expression when they saw me come in "RAY!"Emma yelled "EMMA?!"I ran to her arms.Nick and Giuliana were shocked, she fell in my arms crying.

No ones POV
"Ray do you remember any of them?!" Nick said pointing everyone else out."I only know Emma,I think"Ray said. "How did you remember her?"Giuliana asked him "cause she's my best friend" Ray answered.Norman fainted,Ray stared at Norman for a moment.He let go of Emma and went towards Norman.

Everyone walked away from them, "who's this?"Ray asked everyone. "That's Norman"Don answered "Norman..why did he faint?"Ray asked.
No one answered his question,Ray was confused a bit.'Why do all these people look so familiar?!I only know Emma out of all of them...right?'Ray thought.

Rays head started to ache,he was having a headache and didn't know why.He ran out the house,he would stop "What's wrong with me!"Ray said.

To be continue :)

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