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They arrived at a carnival,it was full of games and other things."Hey guys let's go on there!"Emma said pointing a thing that looked like a wheel."The Ferris wheel?"Gilda said "Yeah whatever it's called!"Emma said and ran towards it.

They all got on "I never got on one of these.."Ray said as he looked how high they were from the floor.Fright shivered his back but he tried not to make it noticeable.Emma can see how scared he looked "Ray are you scared?" Emma whispered to him and he nodded.

Emma switched places with him,he was now in the middle of the seat.That just made it more noticeable "Ray are you scared of heights?"Norman asked and Ray shook his head.They all stared at Ray "Can you guys not look at him like that?"Emma disrupted them.Ray breathing was getting heavier the more they got up.

Norman went to go sit next to Ray "Hey are you okay?"He asked and Ray didn't answer.Ray was thinking that the ride was taking forever and he wished he never got on.

Soon the ride was over and he rushed out "RAY WAIT UP!"Emma yelled out to him.But it was too late Ray was long gone somewhere,"Where'd he go?" Gilda looked around but didn't spot him.

That's the last fucking ride I'm ever going on,why am I running again.I don't fucking know I should stop now, where everyone go.What am I doing in a parking lot.Did I run out of there sight,yes I did.I'm such a dumbass!

Okay just try to go back how you came over here.I don't know where am at and it doesn't look like I'm near the carnival."Uh hello is anyone there?" I said,no answer.What did I expect this place looks abandoned."Hey kid!"I heard a lady answer,I flinched "You fucking scared me!"I yelled."Sorry didn't mean to"She said getting close to me.

Ima be honest she looks sketchy,I don't trust her so ima back away a little."Why are you backing away from me?"She said still getting closer to me "No reason ima just go"I said trying to run but she held me back."Dont run how old are you"She said "16" I panicked trying to get away from her.She started to drag me "LET ME GO!"I screamed trying to get out of her grip.

But she just held tighter,I tried to kick her or at least punch her but it was hopeless.I started to scream out for help,nobody can hear me.I stopped screaming just accepted what was happening.I stopped fighting back,she dragged me towards this van,there were more people inside waiting.

"Finally caught a good one"A man said as she threw me inside the van."yeah he gave up fighting back and screaming"She told them.I shrugged, "so whats your name?"Another girl asked me.I looked up to them "My name is Ray I'm 16"I told them "Can I adopt this one!"She shouted."No we have to see what boss wants with him,it took over a year to find him"The man said who was driving.

"Why me?"I asked "Your some special to him I don't know?"He answered.Ray was confused "How special?"I asked them "Special enough to make us find you every fucking day"The girl said who had grabbed me.I pulled out my phone just for it to be snatch out of my hand."Sorry we can't let you have this" the guy told me and I sighed heavily. "Actually you can't have it at all!"The guy said and threw my phone out the window.I glared at him "We can buy you a new one chill"The girl told me.I didn't care anymore honestly

No one POV
"Guys where is Ray?!"Emma panicked "Calm down can anybody track his phone!"Anna suggested.Don took out his phone seeing where he was at "Guys  Ray is not even around here"He told them."What the fuck do you mean?" Norman said and looked at dons phone "he's like a 45 minutes away from us?!" Norman said frustrated.

"Alright we just need to go to this locating and see if he's there!"Gilda tried to calm everyone down."Yeah shes right he probably didn't know where he was going"Nat agreed...

At the location

"It said he's here somewhere"Don said "...I don't think he's here.."Adam said "What?"Liam was confused.Adam showed everyone rays phone "I-It's his phone..."Emma was on the verge to pass out."He's g-gone"Emma continued before falling onto the ground...

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