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"I want it in rose gold, silver, and diamond, he doesn't like flashy jewelry but to hell with that, I can get him to accept it, I just need to make sure I do it as convincingly as I can." I instructed the lady behind the counter who was taking my order, she giggled when I spoke and seemed to enjoy the little compliments I gave but I was only doing it out of courtesy, the real love of my life was around the mall somewhere.

I had asked the twins to keep him occupied until I got the order in. "Your order will be here by tomorrow, do you want anything else, sir?" She asked suggestively, and I tried to keep in the groan and most likely the gag that was about to escape my lips. "No that's okay thanks, I will get the order tomorrow or send someone else with the collection receipt." I replied turning to look at a few more charms then headed for the door.

"Ren, where are you guys?" I questioned through the link, I was ignored then heard but the only response I got was grunts. "Real funny, where are you?" I questioned again already tracking them, it wasn't that hard since both the twins shared the same scent and Matty had my scent all over him. "Food court Savage." I finally got a reply but it was useless when I was already behind them.

Making my way over I realized there weren't three people at the table, there was four and that person seemed to be talking to Matty, whatever it was, I didn't approve and I didn't want Matty talking to them. I made my way over as silently as possible, Robbie had Matty on his lap whilst Ren seemed to have bought the food, which meant he hadn't been there to scare off the little fragile thing trying to chat up Matty.

"Thank you for replying your brother, would you kindly return his property." I announced making Robbie and Matty jump in surprise whilst Ren just smirked and sat down. "Savage, we—." Robbie was trying to salvage the situation but he knew it wouldn't work. "Don't you dare Robbie Alante Heathen." I growled out and both my two brothers seemed to have their necks hanging low, I turned to look at the slightly muscular man who was talking to them.

"And what the fuck do you still want here, don't you know what being unwanted looks like, pop off before I do something that you'll regret." I called out and immediately the man scurried away, after he was gone I patted my lap and immediately Matty was on it. "We tried to ignore him, he wouldn't leave." Matty confessed as he clung to me like a scared child, I understood Robbie had no choice but to let the human man stay, we might be like them but not all of them will be like us and will accept us as we are.

"It's fine hermosa." I soothed him as he still clung to me waiting for that okay, that he didn't do wrong, Matty was somehow completely submissive to my nature, at times it wasn't his choice, it was completely natural for him to submit to me, to not fake the submission but completely give it. "Robbie I'm sorry for yelling." I exclaimed with a smile and just then he perked up with a smile. "I know, I should've done better to get rid of him." He replied with a smile, I didn't see it falter which meant he knew what he had done and was determined to do better.

After our silent moment, Ren finally served the food he had bought, which wasn't nearly enough so he decided to go grab more which had him groaning on the way and back. "Our parents request us for dinner." Matty announced locking my phone and placing it back in my pocket. "Matty, did Savage take away your phone again?" Ren questioned narrowing his eyes on me. "We might be using the same phone." Matty replied with a nervous chuckle whilst Ren maintained eye contact.

Blue liked Ren challenging us, it somehow baffled me that if anyone else did that, he would be breaking them already. "I thought we agreed that he would have his freedom and not be heavily dependant on you?" My brother questioned with a raised eyebrow, and the love of my life replied first. "It was my idea, you guys already know so I'm not going to do a deep dive in explaining everything but just the fact that Savage and I are somehow together, which means he and I can do things out of the norm, we've already been doing it, and it's unhealthy to stop now." He cheekily replied and both men sighed.

"Thank you for admitting that you're shagging our brother." Robbie commented making my angel choke on his food. "It's okay baby, just breathe we all need some to survive." Ren asserted but how was that making it better, I glared at him then saw the smirk plastered on his face, and realized that it was useless. "We aren't there yet, plus just so you know I like doing things out of the norm with him, so first check with me before you break his balls, I have use for them." Matty defended and that got the boys choking on their own food.

He wasn't stupid or without qualities from our parents, he had them, a lot of them but he knew that when he was around me or anywhere near me that cheeky attitude had to flutter away or he didn't get a banana split after dinner, Matty was strong which we all knew that but none else who weren't a pack member, it made him the perfect soldier, he was underestimated which was exploited.

We hung around the mall a little bit more because the twins decided they needed more clothes, Matty wanted the same along with adding more boxers and t-shirts to my wardrobe. "I don't need any of this stuff." I protested but with Matty doing something he set out to do, you cant stop him. "You wear clothes I've bought for you three quarters the time because look at how huge you are,  do you even know the shops I place orders for our clothes along with Papa and those two." He defended and I had to concede, he did everything.

"Exactly and I've already said, you need more boxers and tees, you shred through them more than Ren when he first shifted." My beautiful angel stated with a snarky attitude that earned a scoff from Ren, I glared at him and he immediately hid behind a shelf. "You better hide." I grumbled as Matty piled clothes. "Don't forget dinner with Papa and dad!" Robbie yelled from a corner in the large shop where he was talking to an attendant about Goddess knows what.

"Ren, you have a situation, three o'clock." I whispered to my brother who was behind the shelf, when he stood up straight and looked in the direction of his twin his eyes flickered between blue, black, and grey, his wolf did not like what it was seeing, a low growl escaped his lips and he stomped over to the unsuspecting Robbie. I looked down at my torso, Matty was poorly attempting to hit me. "You know how overprotective Ren is, did you have to send that poor boy to his grave—." Before he could finish my lips were on his, I had resisted enough and had controlled myself enough but I wanted that kiss.

Matty leaned in moaning without filter until I broke apart from him. "What happened, the room is spinning." He mumbled as I admired my handiwork, swollen red little lips that I would gladly devour again. "You ready to pay, we have dinner with our parents." I pointed out and he nodded trying to hide behind me, it was cute watching him flustered, I realized I liked a lot more things about Matty each day.


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