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Had I taken it too far, should I have restrained myself better, I didn't know and it scared the hell out of me, I wanted to restrain myself but those hands, they felt so good on my skin, they set fire on my body and deep inside, now I think I may have messed it up, my little angel was fast asleep by the time I decided to drain the bathtub, he looked so peaceful and happy like that, not a frown line in sight.

I dried him off, applied his lotion, pulled up a pair of boxers on him and my too large t-shirt, he clung to me even in sleep making me chuckle, it always felt good to have him in my arms, to feel his breath, his skn and his heart beating, could I really stay in the shadows and love him, could I really pull that off or my wolf would make that all unbearable, Blue even after rejection had somehow already moved on, he had always been a dominant pining for the koala bear clinging to us.

I finally let him down onto the bed, though I had to trick him by getting the replacement which is then stuffed wolf, how he clung to it made Blue growl with jealousy and fawn over how cute he was, I think my wolf and I may have some kind of condition with our feelings, was this even normal. I chuckled making my way out of my bedroom in sweatpants and pretty much nothing else, Matty loved looking at me after waking up, why not spoil him.

It was evening now and I had to make a quick dinner so I got right into it, we already had a prebaked cheesecake courtesy of dad, all I had to cook was the steak and the Bolognese. As I got my ingredients out, the front door opened, Gerrit and his mate walked in, his mate more like waddled in which was humorous but it made me think of my own Matty waddling around with a belly swelled with my pup, I wanted that so much. "Evening Sa—wait are you cooking?" Of course, I was idiot.

"Yes I am, your point?" I growled out and his mate waddled to us chuckling. "Ignore him, Reese, what are you making?" He questioned yet I didn't want to talk, I wished Matty or dad were here to intervene. "Bolognese and steak along mashed potatoes." I replied in one go trying not to sound abrasive. "Oh that sounds nice, add a little more we're staying for dinner." Kali, Gerrit's mate announced and I gestured for Gerrit to take over then.

"What no you're the one who was cooking." He argued but I wasn't having it, I replied with a less than wanted threat which made him narrow his eyes. "Fine, but I'm going to tell Matty what you did." He threatened but there was definitely nothing Matty would do, I was shirtless, so I silently replied that I didn't care and he could tell him. "I will and after that I'm telling him about the coffee you had yesterday." He threatened again, shit that was supposed to stay on the downlow, Matty doesn't like it when I have coffee.

Silently I replied that he wouldn't dare. "Oh I would, if you don't want that little slip up, come help me." Gerrit replied with a triumphant grin, I sighed and decided to help, it was much faster anyway. "Um, you guys were doing that silent conversation thing again, I haven't mastered that, you know that." Kali whined rubbing his baby bump. "Sorry babe, but you have to get used to it,  you know how uncle Heathen, Savage, the twins, and even Matty do it, hell I know I do it too, don't worry you're learning you'll get there." He comforted his mate who perked up with a smile.

I wasn't jealous because I had my own angel to comfort and I'd kill any wolf who tried to walk into my territory, silently having conversation was a Heathen trade mark, it's how I could have a whole conversation with Matty, and half the time there weren't words. Papa and dad could have a silent argument and none would know. "Oh did you hear, I'm sure you haven't." Kali mentioned as he scrolled on Gerrit's phone, the Cold lake was vandalized after a sleeping gas was thrown into their pack house, the whole packhouse had broken furniture and windows, four fires broke out and four houses were burnt down, no wolves were killed only two injured." Kali recited the message on Gerrit's phone and I knew exactly who had done that.

"You know what, I'm not even going to ask who did this because your parents aren't here, and the twins aren't at school either." Gerrit mumbled as he checked the pan of veggies, it was my parents and obviously the two who were injured are the previous alpha and luna, at some point, I knew this was going to happen, and like I had predicted, Papa was the one who bought gas to aid his pyromaniac husband, no surprise there, what surprised me was the twins joining in, but it was understandable they are the spawn of those two.

"So no words alpha, your parents and siblings vandalized another pack." Kali asserted but Gerrit chuckled. "And who exactly knows it was them beside us three?" He questioned his mate who made a facial expression between shock and understanding. "Exactly, they don't know, and even if they wanted to retaliate who would they exactly retaliate against, right now they are ranked at the lowest of the packs around the country." Gerrit did make sense, they couldn't even fight back if they wanted to, and with what my parents did Phoenix will probably finish the job in the months to come.

I turned to Gerrit, I needed to check on Matty. "Go ahead it's all finished anyway." He replied and I nodded heading out of the kitchen, to see how my little angel was. I found him yawning on the bed, oh the things I would do to him in that position. "Hermosa it's time to wake up." I whispered in his ear but all I got was him snaking his arms around my neck, he wanted to be carried, and I shouldn't leave teddy blue behind. I picked him up and the large stuffed wolf and made my way downstairs.

"Savey are dad and papa here." He mumbled nuzzling my neck, I guess that's a trait he picked up being around wolves since he was a baby. "No baby they aren't here yet, but Kali and Gerrit are." I replied as his fingers ran through my hair, he was finally awake and a little more alert. "Okay, I wanted to see them." He conceded making me chuckle as he went back to nuzzling my neck, how was I not supposed to treat him like a baby.

I got downstairs as Gerrit helped his mate sit at the dining table, they looked so much in love. "Hey Matty." Kali greeted cheerfully, I maneuvered my body in the right direction to let down Matty on the chair next to Kali he whined and clung to me, oh boy. "Don't you want to see Kali, his baby is growing." I tried persuasion but I knew it wouldn't work, I tossed teddy blue into the lounge and sat down next to Kali. "Hey Kali, she's growing great." He finally responded and the slightest movement I made he responded, I liked that about Matty's body, he was too sensitive for his own good, but great for sensory overload.

"She?" Gerrit questioned after placing the last dish at the table, Matty nodded toward him, I didn't question it since it was a thing he could do since we were kids, he could always tell the gender of the baby before they are born, he was the one who told dad about the twins. "Great, now I know which color scheme to choose." Kali announced cheerfully, his mate on the other hand sighed like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, baby planning was hard, I understood.

I let Matty talk with Kali whilst serving us both, it was always best to use one plate when he was more of a baby than usual, I learned the hard way that he liked it that way. "Matty, do you have book recommendations, I finished my last pile." Gerrit interjected, Matty replied silently. "Oh, I didn't know you had a new collection." My beta responded again, he liked books as much as Matty, I was more of an audiobook person, on the go listening.

Marty responded silently yet again amusing Kali. "I'm definitely coming by tomorrow." Gerrit surmised, whilst I was talking to Kali, he was still amused about the whole silent conversation. "Matty food." I called out just as he shifted on my lap, dammit, this was going to be a long and hard evening to get by.



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