Chapter 4

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-------A year later------

The kids and the adults wearing in black cloths with their hidden surrounding Philza. Philza was holding some kind of heart that looks like the hardcore hearts it was black and purple, the heart starts to separates to two red hardcore hearts and starts to glow. 

'Goodbye Barrier of Jude....' Tubbo said looking in the sky.

Tommy looks at Tubbo then looks at the sky 'Good bye Home.' He said it while saluting at the sky. Niki looks at the two piglins standing beside her, Wilbur with his guitar on his back and Techno with his sword on his back between their wings, 'We are going to miss this place aren't we?' Niki said. 'Nahhhh we won't' Wilbur looked at Niki then to the sky trying not to let out any tears. Techno hears what Niki said but didn't answer but stays quiet,he looked at Wilbur comforting him. 

Philza closes his eyes breathing in a calm pase, the darker heart starts to glow a soft red light cracking open from the inside. The others was told not to look at the breaking/ process of destruction for the barrier they were all looking at the sky. The blue sky starts to appear a line breaking through the whole sky. 

The black heart is now fully red like the other hearts that are surrounding it. The sky was completely broke open they were transmited to another area, they are all surrounded by dark oaks. 'Wow.....So this what the outside world looks like-' Wilbur and Techno said at the same time. Philza gave them a smile 'put on your hoods now I can't afford you guys being capture by the hunters.....' They all did as what Phil told them. 'There might be some hybrid hunters arround here, stay alert.' 'Okay dadza.' Tommy said. 

----after a lot of walking----

'WALKING SUCKKKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS' Tommy whispered. 'Shhhhhhh....!' Tubbo shushed him. 'FLYINNG IS BETTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WHY CANT WE JUST FLYYYYYYYYYYYYY URGHHHHHHHHH' Tommy continue to whispered. 'Did you forgot what Phil taught us????' 'Oh-' 

----After more walking they arrived in front of a castle---

'Why are we at a castle??? Won't they capture us?????!!!' Tommy whispered. 

'This castle they won't.' Philza said while making a small circle around the kids and him making them drop into another dimension. The other dimension still looks the same the castle is still in front of their eyes but they look around they noticed that they are in a new barrier. The barrier lines in Barrier of Jude is Green but...this barrier line is red? 'You all can put down your capes now.' Philza said while pulling down their capes. The kids also did so.

Suddenly someone with one red one black wings flew over to them,all of the kids took out their weapons and are all ready to attack. 'Nice to finally meet you Philza Minecraft.' The mysterious guy said this with a bow. 'Nice to meet you too.Hows your country doing?' Philza said in a smile picking him up. The kids all was shocked by what they just saw while slowly puts down their swords and bows. 'I heard a lot of wonderful things from you MrPhilza Minecraft.' 'Please, please refer me as Phil' 'Oh okay Phil how about I bring you and your childrens---? Wait since when did you  have childrens?!' 'Well it have been a long time since you really heard about me don't you?' 'Dad! Who is him!' Wilbur whispered to Phil. 'Oh-Im sorry I forgot to introduce you to him' 'Kids Meet King Eret-protector for protectors of barriers' Philza said. 'What?' All of them said at the same time. 'Oh- hehhe I meant meet King Eret he protects the protector of Barrier of Jude. He's the 48th generation'.

All the kids looked at King Eret and Philza's soft smile in shocked. 'B-but he just bow down to'Techno said. Philza and Eret looked at Techno and the others smiling. 'Well that's a question for another day let's get in now kids of Minecraft. (a/n:Why does this sounds so weird-??? Oh---- wait.................) 

Eret brought them in the castle. He said hello to every knight and maids that greeted him. 'Hey Phil, I thought you said that there's only one barrier? and how are you trusting him so fully like you guys met before but he said "it's nice meeting you?"'Niki asked. 'Well you see to be an official protector for protectors of the barrier of Jude is that they need to receive on of our feathers in honour of my father or the other generation's father. Try looking at his coat is there any difference with the 'king' that you read in your book?' Phil answered. 'hmm..... let me see' Niki opens up her book and flipped to the page of introductions to the kings. 'Mr Phil, Mr Techno, Mr Wilbur,Mrs Nihachu,Mr Tommy and Mr Tubbo, these are your rooms, please think this as your home' Eret said in a smile looking at them. 'His clip has a feather....and it looks like yours....' Niki looks at Eret's coat clip and looked back at Phil and said. 

Tommy shares a room with Tubbo like last time in the barrier of Jude while Wilbur,Techno,Niki and Phil shares different rooms. Tommy stretches his wings and his body and lays on his bed comfortably. 'Now we are living in a castle out of nowhere- why do we deserved this again?' Tubbo asked. 'I also don't know..but this is kinda our choice for now-' Tommy answered. 

Wilbur comes out from his room to take a fly after all the walking that they did. 'Hello Mr Wilbur, am I right?' a soft voice came from the behind of Wilbur. Wilbur turned back accidently hit the person behind him. 'Ow...hehe did I scared you?' A redhead long hair female having fin like ears wearing a brownish gown with a crown on her head appeared in front of Wilbur. 'ah- I'm so sorry that my wing hit you- er- I'm so sorry-' Wilbur mumbled in suprised with his face blushing. 'It's okay, my name is Sally actually!' she said in a smile. 'The princess?- oh dear lord good evening Princess Sally-' 'It's okay Mr! Please prefer me as Sally! Is it okay that I call you Willie?' Sally said in a smile. 'Er- Yea sure!' Wilbur looks at Sally giving back her a smile. 

A/N: Oh dear- But yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sally the Salmon has appeared :D I hope this just doesn't makes it weird- well thanks for reading this chapter.

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