28- Things happened too fast

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28 Things Happened Too Fast

Jordan's project is now finished. I call Ashley to let her know, and she sets a meeting for us. When we see each other, I notice Jordan sitting by her. That explains why the place is empty and secure.

"Jordan! Hey!" My cheeks flush. I shake his hand, feeling the little girl inside me jump up and down.

He smiles at me. "Mia, was it?" He asks.

"Yeah. Ashley, you look great."

"Thank you. So do you," Ashley says. "We need to be fast since Jordan needs to be somewhere soon."

"Okay. That's cool with me." I hand her my iPad. "This is the final version."

They start watching the video.

"That's great," Jordan says. "Right?"

"Yes," Ashley confirms. "It's good."

We talk about the process and the payment. I see my phone updating itself again before I leave for my house. Zoey calls me while I'm cooking something for myself.

"Hey," I say, picking up the phone.

"Hey. How are you?" Zoey says.

"I'm good. You?"

"Me too. Listen. Would you come over for dinner tonight? We need to have a conversation."

"Um... okay... I'll be there."

The night comes, and I show up at Zoey's house with a box of chocolate. She welcomes me inside and takes the box from me. "Thank you. You didn't have to," she says.

"You're welcome. Are we alone here?" I say, taking my coat off.

"Yes. Are you hungry?"


"Good then. The food's ready. Please, sit."

We sit at the table and start eating in awkward silence. "It's delicious. Thank you," I say.

She nods. "I'm glad you like it."

"I do. You didn't have to go through all this trouble. We could grab some Chinese like we used to do."

"You haven't grabbed Chinese with me in so long."

"Things got as awkward as they could get with us. I already have a few people around me. Let's not make it fewer."

"I need to talk about what happened that day."

"It's fine, Zoey."

"No. Let me set things clear, please?" Zoey says, and I nod. "I'm sorry I told Smith about your pregnancy. And I'm sorry about the things I said. What I told you about screwing your life and the baby, all of it was wrong. I was trying to hurt you because I was hurt badly."

"It's okay. You don't have to—"

"I do. After losing my parents, I had a pretty hard life. Normally I never say these things to anyone. Phil, who happens to be my uncle, was the only person who believed in me and wanted to get me out of that dark place. He was kind of a mess himself, and after that accident, it was like we were meant to rescue each other. Phil put faith in me, but I fell into the dark path again and again. Last time, I promised I'd keep myself sharp, and he told me he wouldn't help me again. So when I showed up like that in front of the whole family, he thought I'd lost myself again, and I thought I had lost him forever. And for me, losing him is..."


"My grans have passed, and I only have him, so I'm sorry I hurt you that day. I was out of control."

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