17- Jealousy

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17 Jealousy

Smith has come to my place reluctantly and stayed over for the night. He has packed nothing from his house, which is a little odd. We were up all night trying to fix my fridge but couldn't. I make him breakfast and knock on the door of the room he is sleeping in.

"Smith?" I call for him, asking permission to enter. He opens the door immediately and looks at me with a solemn face. The dark circles around his eyes scream how defeated and exhausted he is.

"Oliver," he speaks with a gruff.


"My name. Quit calling me Smith. It's awkward." He passes me and walks to the living room.

"Okay, Smi—" I follow him. "I made some breakfast. Wash your face and join me."

He turns around to face me and narrows his eyes. "We didn't get married yesterday, did we?"

I roll my eyes. "Stop being a dickhead and join me for breakfast."

"What did you just call me?" he asks. He's not used to cursing. He has never used them, at least not in my presence.

I walk to the kitchen, and he follows. "Trust me, there's more to call you since you're not my boss anymore." He stops in his tracks, and sadness takes over him again. I immediately regret reminding him of Whoosh. "Oliver?" I say, getting his attention. He looks at me with filled eyes. "I have bacon. Lots of it. I swear you'll love it."

He sniffs and wipes his eyes so quickly. "I'm vegan," he says. "How do you not know that after all these years?"

A sigh leaves my mouth. All the bacon will go into the trash. I know nothing about him. At first, it was his sexuality, and now him being vegan. The doorbell rings. Smith raises a brow, and I shrug.

I open the door. It's Isla with a sweet smile.

"Mia!" she says, positive energy leaving her body. She enters and jumps to hug me. "Look at my strong friend!"

"Wow, you suck at cheering up!" I say.

Jon appears from behind the door. "You really do, Isla!"

I look at Isla with zeroed eyes, and she smiles. "I swear, Jon and I had to meet up for work, and I mentioned I wanted to see you, so he came by with me," she explains.

I fake a smile and gesture for him. "Come on in then." He enters my house a little shyly, which is strange. I guide them to the kitchen where Smith's trying to make coffee.

"Mia, why don't you have coffee in your house?" Smith asks, searching the cabinets. Isla looks at me with round eyes, and I realize I haven't told her about Smith staying at my place. Smith turns around, and an "oh" leaves his mouth. "We have company."

"You know Isla," I say to Smith, and Isla awkwardly waves at him. "And Jon. He also is my friend." Jon leans over to shake his hand, and Smith does as well. "S—Oliver... he is my... um... he's my friend," I say, trying to introduce him.

"Oliver?" Isla mouths to me, and I give her the eyebrows to stop her from making things uncomfortable.

Smith looks at his cluttered shirt and tries to fix it. "Pardon my messy situation," he says. "It was a long night." Isla looks more surprised now.

"Have a seat. I'll make you coffee," I say.

Isla has eaten half of the plate. "I love bacon," she says. She eats much more when she's nervous.

Smith's hair is just as untidy as his clothes, and he doesn't even care to fix it. "Your hair," I say lowly, and he looks at me.

"What about it?" he says.

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