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Hey guys. Well this is my first rant book. I am going to warn you though, I will curse A LOT, and these are my opinions, so don't get ya undies tied up. K? K.

So let's start this off with parents. There are countless of rants that I have about mine, they're just endless.

What really annoys the flipping DAYLIGHTS outta me is that I have a bedtime for my phone -.- like wtf. ALSO MY MY FUCKING LAPTOP

Get ready y'all I'm about to tell a story.

So yesterday I was doing my homework on my laptop (it was around 9:00 p.m. don't judge cx) and I finished around 9:50 p.m. The rule my mom has is that I have to have both my laptop and my phone in her room at 10:00. So being the forgetful person I am, I forgot to bring it into her room.

I accidentally kept it in my room and this morning she bombarded me with questions about where my laptop was. She then THREATENED me that I was not allowed to bring my phone to school for a day. But get this. LAST SUNDAY SHE HAD SAID THAT IF I EVER KEPT MY PHONE IN MY ROOM I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO TAKE IT TO SCHOOL. SHE NEVER SAID THAT IF I KEPT MY LAPTOP IN MY ROOM I WOULD GET THE SAME FUCKING CONSEQUENCE. AND NOW I CANT TAKE MY PHONE TO SCHOOL TOMORROW. GREAT.

You have no idea how pissed I was this morning and how many things I said under my breath that Jesus would not approve of.

Another thing that really pisses me off is when they just barge into my room WITHOUT knocking. Like damn I closed the door for a damn reason. And then my mom be assuming shit. For example if I'm on my laptop she would say,"What are you doing on that computer of yours that you gotta keep your door closed?!"


but you know I can't say that out loud unless I wanna get smacked.


~Yesi c;

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