Chapter 01. Aimil and the Red Clan

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 I ran...

Fast as the wind, it crossed the field of tulips, jumping over the immense stone wall of the Red Kingdom. I ran through the forest, smelling the dew, the softness of the clay at my feet, listening to the leaves rustling in the wind. It is as if I received the breath of life, electricity passing through my veins and generating static in my mind. I am attracted to the unknown, needing the freedom that nature can give me.

Ran into the void. On the hill of the mountain, my heart needed to take flight, as if my body were a shell, incapacitating me from enjoying freedom. I felt like a butterfly about to break through its cocoon and fly through the unknown.

The sky is incredibly beautiful, the stars illuminated my path, urging me to jump off the cliff, but when I reach the edge I stop brutally. My mind froze, I felt in danger, I remembered that I am half human, without wings or powers. My heart was saddened, as if I had lost a unique opportunity and the breath of life left my aura.

The cliff was left behind, as well as the forest and the walls. I'm gradually returning to the city. I no longer smelled the dew, the sweet noise of the wind is replaced by horns and voices, one of them calls for me:

— Aimil, wake up, Aimil!

I felt a shake on my shoulder. I awoke grumpy.

— Stop bugging me, Conan! — I protested by pushing my brother's arm. — Pay attention to traffic!

— Traffic? We are stopped, little airhead. You'll be late!

I sat up straight in the car seat looking out the window. We were facing the huge bronze gates of Lestyn school, better known as the fulfillment of my nightmares.

— What are you waiting for? Haven't woken up yet? I need to go to work.

— Okay, I'm not deaf, I'm just getting ready - I pretended to look for something in my backpack.

Conan leaned towards me, giving one of his best smiles. He straightened my brown hair, trying to remove some invisible dust.

— You'll be great Aimil, don't be nervous, it's just a silly ceremony.

— Silly for you who is a man and has testosterone to help ignite magic, while I am a simple half-human who will be surrounded by half-elves who are waiting for a single mistake to humiliate me.

— I know how you feel about school. I was here too, remember? Soon it will be over.

— You know it's not the same, look at you, full of muscles and the perfect smile. Always had friends, including the second prince, I'm lost here, I'm just a chubby nerd who doesn't have enough red energy to light a damn candle in a ridiculous end of year ceremony!

— Do not take it personally, we will always be the last in the hierarchy, I'm your brother, half-human like you and I have also been through all of these difficulties. Take my advice, high school passes, these people pass, this stage of life, being good or bad, passes and soon Miss Nerd, who by the way was never fat, will get into a great college and will continue to be the most brilliant member of the Lace family.

I shut up watching Conan's sad face, he was always popular at school. He was friends with the half-giants, six feet tall and pure muscle. I felt like the most protected little sister in the universe, until he graduated last year and abandoned me at the school of refined people, shaking my world. Conan's world has also been shaken, he has always been good with physical activities, but other disciplines have never been his strength. He failed to pass any public university and with my sister Alanis's twins arriving we had no money to pay for a private college. If he doesn't get a voucher attesting to college entrance, which is mandatory for men two years after school, he will have to run for the army, but it seems that Conan doesn't think the idea is too bad, what is killing him is having to work in the restaurant and be one of the family providers being only eighteen years old.

I bowed my head angry with my self-centeredness.

— Sorry, I know you're right, but everything is so confusing and these dreams I have won't let me sleep.

— Everything will be fine, Aimil, you're stressed, I know the last two years have been difficult, but we'll get over it, we need to do our best, for Alanis and Mom. Now put a smile on that angry face and make me a proud brother!

I smiled tightly and got out of the car so as not to sadden him anymore. Sunday would be a difficult day and we didn't need to anticipate that pain. I took a deep breath and walked through the gates of that stupid magical school. And to think that the first time I entered there I felt so proud, I hoped to make great friends, have the best and most exclusive education in the Red Kingdom, but all I got was the exclusivity of being one of the few human beings to study there.

See, I'm not really a human, I'm half-human, I'm part of a clan originated by red dragons, even though I'm a generation far removed from them and their precious powers.

My name is Aimil Lace and I'm part of the Red clan's third scale. This is the story of how a secret among clans was able to turn my world and an entire age of dragons upside down.

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