Chapter 02. The City of Gold and the Lestyn Dynasty

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I stopped for a moment watching the gate again. Conan was already gone, he really was a good brother and his infectious smile was always able to brighten my day, only three people caused this effect to me: Conan, my big clown, Flan, my best friend and my father.

Memories flooded my mind: My first day of school at Lestyn school.

The Red kingdom is divided into four provinces: In the South lies the town of Silver, which borders the territory of the white clan. Although red and white dragons are known for their rivalry, the white clan is one of the main allies of the red clan, their vote and support are essential in the OPRC (Organization for Protection and Relations between Clans).

To the East we have the Emel Field, a place responsible for the largest agricultural production in the kingdom, bordering the Forest of Spirits, home of the green clan. Most of the green clan are nomadic, living behind their patriarch, the great green dragon and don't appreciate contact with other clans, but although distant, they're peaceful and excellent exporters of herbs, spices and plants with magical properties.

In the West is the province of Cooper, where the ports are. Copper is the place with the greatest cultural diversity in the kingdom, there are all kinds of clans and species: Humans, elves, nymphs, werewolves, witches, mermaids, talking animals, among other fantastic beings. It was where I was born and raised until I was eleven, when we moved to the North of the Kingdom, the famous city of Gold, home to royalty.

My father received a great job offer. As international relations he would be the deputy representative of the human clan party, the salary was great and the service was honorable, so we brought the whole family together and came here.

As soon as we moved in, Alanis found a third-rate fiance, Malloy, who is the chef and convinced my mother to join a small popular restaurant. Because of his position, Dad managed to get us to attend the best school, founded by royalty: The Lestyn, the top of the first scale. Maine, the younger brother of King Ciardha, was a good friend of my father, he was the one who got us into high school vacancy.

I remember the first day of school, Dad had told me wonders about the city of Gold, he was born here, the most developed place in the kingdom, everything so magical and politicized, Conan and I idealized a dream about school, I think the of it materialized, well, at least for a while. When Conan entered the school he drew everyone's attention for his size, looking more like a half-giant, he didn't know what was so good about my brother's clown, but all the girls at the school fell for him, even more when he became friends with the second prince.

You may be wondering, what happened to me in the meantime? Well, I was the little sister of the great Conan, too fat for the cheerleaders, too short for sports, too deranged for the arts group, too strange to even have the right to greet the first-half elves and above after all, it was a third scale without a hint of magic, that's right, my aura is so weak that I can't even give a spark.

Red clans obtain the strength of fire. The first scale is the strongest, there are half-elves capable of setting a house on fire with the snap of a finger, humans are already able to invoke small flames, women can light candles, which I should do today in the ceremony of transition to the second year.

The Flame Feast ceremony is exclusive to female students at Lestyn High School, we write requests and wrap them in candles, then we try to light them using the strength of our aura, the candles that light represent the requests that will be made in the New Year. When I was a kid I could light candles, more than one at the same time, they thought I was going to be a prodigy. I grew up and my powers got smaller and smaller, to the point of becoming the sensation of school. The human without aura, like other girls like to call me from behind.

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