Chapter 03. The Power of the Flames

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  After class, Flan's driver took us to Bard's house. He lived in a spacious apartment above one of his father's four butchers. We left our materials at his home and ran to the cafeteria. I ordered a double sundae, a slice of four cheese pizza and a big fries.

— My goodness, that hungry dragon, want me to order something more, Aimil? Bard smiled. - Like a whole ox?

— I'm starving, the Feast of Flames has drained all my energy.

Claudia brought the orders, she had her eyes drawn and looked like a doll, Bard and his girlfriend, at first sight, had nothing in common, except when they were face to face, just that exchange of looks and we already realized how much they were in love. His parents didn't care that he was dating a human.

— Here's your double sundae Aimil. - Claudia placed the tray on the table. - If you want anything else call me.

— If she wants anything else she will break me. - Bard put his hand on his heart.

— Stop being tragic and stop stealing Claudia's coupons, with your allowance you might as well buy us lunch. - I crossed my arms.

— Now I have brought the coupons, but I can pay for your tickets at the Fairies Club on Saturday night. What do you think? Claudia is going to sing there and your boyfriend comes in for free. He shook hands with Claudia, who laughed.

— Bard is such a cheapskate, so I pay the drinks, hey Aimi? - Flan asked excitedly.

— Sorry, I can't go out on Saturday night, I need to get up early on Sunday for the ceremony.

— Wow, Aimi, I forgot about the ceremony, so I won't go to the party either, my dad would kill me if you weren't together when I came over to Bard's.

— I'm sorry, Flan, I really can't go, I would also love to see you sing Claudia.

— No problem, I'll sing there next month.

— Then it's booked and Bard pays for drinks too! - Smile.

— Hey, women, this way you rip even my aura.

Everyone laughed.

After lunch we went for a walk at the Gnome Fair, I was in love with that place, it was on a cul-de-sac and contained the most exotic things in the world. Bard liked to collect old books, Flan looked for jewelry and I bought everything that appealed to me and was accessible to my pocket, and look that lately my accessibility had decreased a lot.

I was distracted watching Flan buy another jade ring, when I was attracted by the sound of bells, I tried to follow the sound and came across a small jewelry store. The sound was caused by a door bell, there must have been some magic to attract customers, one of them had just left, I couldn't resist and went in, I knew I wouldn't have any money even to buy a jewelry box, but I was more curious.

The store was quite small and the owner, a half-gnome, was serving another customer. I started looking at the dials, there were beautiful jewels, lots of silver pieces, some rubies and emeralds, but nothing that really attracted me when I saw an open door. It was the room where jewelry was made, on top of a small table there was something that shone immensely, it was mesmerizing.

— Do you want something, miss? - I was awakened by the salesperson's voice, the other customer had already left.

— Me? No, I'm just looking around.

— And nothing interested you?

— Well, not exactly. - I took another look at the table in the parlor.

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