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When I was a young child, I ate Misha Fuck. Yes, that's right. I fucking grabbed her and deepthroated her, shoving her down into my throat.

I was six and she was seven, and somehow also a whole entire foot taller than me, but did I let that stop me? No, for I am the fearless HUMAN-PERSON!!!! But, yeah, she fought back a lot, screamed a lot, all the usual boring nonsense. But I had also lubricated myself all over, including the inside of me and she slipped right in.

I had to take a reallllyyyyyyy long and hard shit the next day. I had to take SO many laxatives that the doctors thought it was some miracle I didn't FUCKING overdose. It was like giving birth to a whole fucking baby, except if I did have a baby, I'd probably eat it immediately after. I would've probably done the same to Shit-Misha, but I couldn't bring myself to when I smelt her. God, she stunk.

Then she exploded.

This is my only childhood memory.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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