Chapter 5

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(Y/N): *stands still holding your head breathing heavy* I need to figure out what is happening to me...
Blake: *puts her hand on your shoulder* Hey are you alight?
(Y/N): Y.......Yeah.....
Blake: You know you can talk to me, you can trust me *smiles at you*
(Y/N): I....I need to get ready for a fight *starts walking out of the cafeteria*
Blake: Alrigth, b-
Jenova: Baby.....boy.......

You make your way to Miss.Goodwitch's class, as you arrive you only see her there and decide to take your seat.

Goodwitch: Mr.Rose you're here early
(Y/N): Please, don't call me Mr.Rose, call me Mr.Hojo *looks down* Miss.Goodwitch...
Goodwitch: Yes? *grabs chalk and starts writing on the blackboard*
(Y/N): Have you ever heard of....Jenova?
Goodwitch: *drops the chalk and looks back at you with some fear in her eyes* ....What did you say?
(Y/N): Jenova?

Before she got a chance to speak everyone starts heading into class, but you had a feeling you should stay after class at talk to her more about, Jenova. Class went on but Miss.Goodwitch kept looking at you weirdly, like she was scared of you.

Goodwitch: Alright, so who would like to fight today?
Cardin: *raises his hand* I wanna fight Gray hair boy
Goodwitch: C-Cardin are you sure?
Cardin: Yes, I'm gonna beat his ass
Goodwitch: Alright, Mr.Hojo do yo-
(Y/N): I accept *gets up and goes to change and Cardin does the same*

After you 2 got back and walked into the arena you just stare at each other. Cardin gives you a cocky smile and you just stare at him.

Goodwitch: Alright the fight will begin.....NOW!

Cardin rushes at you and goes to attack you with his hammer, but you counter with your sword and kick him in the gut. He stumbles back then goes yo attack again only for you to dodge and sweep his legs making him fall. You snap your fingers and make 5 orbs around him, he tries to get rid of them but couldn't. The orbs attack him knocking his ora into the orange, he struggles to stand up and you start to raise your arm making a dark red fireball.

(Y/N): Begone... *throws the fireball at Cardin which launches him into the wall making a creator in it*
Goodwitch: T-The winner is Mr.Hojo...Ummmm....c-c-class dismissed...

Everyone leave but you stay behind and go up to Miss.Goodwitch.

(Y/N): Miss.Goodwitch, about my question earlier
Goodwitch: Yes...I believe we both should go to Ozpin about this...
(Y/N): Alright...

You both leave her classroom and go to the elevator that takes you to Ozpin's office. When the 2 of you get there you see Ozpin drinking his coffee minding his own business, he then notices the 2 of you and turn toward you.

Ozpin: Mr.Ro-
(Y/N): Hojo
Ozpin: Mr.Hojo, how may I help you?
(Y/N): Miss.Goodwitch brought me here to discuss with you about a...dream I had last night
Ozpin: What is this dream?
(Y/N): I was in a lab, surrounded by scientists, and in the lab was this pod. Inside the pod was this thing and it was wearing a headgear that said-
Ozpin: Jenova...
(Y/N): Yes
Goodwitch: Ozpin are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Ozpin: Yes, but we don't know how many-
(Y/N): Many?
Ozpin: How many times have you had this dream?
(Y/N): Once, last night
Ozpin and Goodwitch: *sighs in relief*
(Y/N): But throughout the day I've been having these flashes of what was happening. For example, I saw Jenova again and 2 scientists discussing about a child, one wanted to kill it while the other wanted to save it. The names of these 2 were, Hojo and Lurcrecia.
Ozpin: Oh no....
(Y/N): What?
Ozpin: *drops his mug and puts his hands on your shoulders* What does Jenova call you?
(Y/N): W-Why?
Goodwitch: Answer the question!
(Y/N): Her baby boy...she says it over and over, saying "My baby boy, look how much you have grown"
Ozpin: *looks down* I..... *looks back up* I have a mission for you, this will determine weather or not you are ready to reserve the truth...
(Y/N): Do I have to bring a team?
Ozpin: NO! I-I'm sorry, but no this is a solo mission...You have to go to a town called Nibelheim, we are predicting a Grimm attack there, and we want you to be there ready to defend the town.
(Y/N): When do I leave?
Ozpin: are dismissed

You went towards the elevator and pressed a button that would take you down to the floor your dorm was on.

Ozpin: Soon, that boy will know the truth about himself and Jenova...and when he does..............we'll have to make sure he doesn't do anything horrible.

As you walked to your dorm you can her things coming from there, it sounded like arguing.

(Y/N): *opens the door to see Yang and Weiss yelling at each other*
(Y/N): Tch...*walks to a bed and lays down*
Ruby: Where have you been, big bro?
(Y/N): ...
Yang: Come on talk to us!
(Y/N): .....
Blake: *walks out of the bathroom* Hey, (Y/N) where have you been?
(Y/N): Ozpin's office
Weiss: What happened are you in trouble?!
(Y/N): No, at least I don't think so?
Weiss: What do you mean?
(Y/N): He looked a little scared, but he just gave me a mission
Ruby: A mission for all of us?!
Yang: Does that mean we can spend time together?!
(Y/N): No, which I'm glad about
Ruby and Yang: *look down*
Blake: So you got a solo mission? Where to?
(Y/N): Nibelheim, they're predicting that a Grimm attack and they wanted him to handle it
Weiss: Just by yourself?
Blake: I mea it makes sense he is really strong and powerful. (Y/N) can handle it
Weiss: *nods*
(Y/N): Honestly I may be strong, but I'm not immortal, I would rather have back up. But we can take care of that later, for now there is a long term thing I would like to talk about?
RWBY: What?
(Y/N): Where am I going to sleep?
RWBY: Uhhhhh....

After 30 minutes of talking about this, you all decided that you would have a sleep schedule, Monday,Wednesday, and Friday you slept with Blake, while Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday you'd sleep with Weiss. Sunday would be your time away from Ruby and Yang so you would stay with team JNPR, and have a sleep schedule there, every Sunday you would switch from sleeping with Pyrrha to sleeping with Nora. Soon it got late and you were getting tired so you got on Blake's bed and started to fall asleep, you then feel someone else crawl into bed, knowing it was Blake.

(Y/N): *whispers into her cat ear* Night cat
Blake: *blushes and lays her head on your chest* Goodnight... *starts cuddling you* (I hope I can convince Ozpin to let me go with you on your mission tomorrow)

In Nibelheim we see two kids, one the age of 15 and the other the age of 13 running around laughing.

???: Come on Cloud you gotta catch up!
Cloud: If I go any faster the you would get lost behind my dust Tifa!

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