My opinions

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I decided to share my (unpopular or popular) opinions about TVD and you can tell me what you think about them. You may not agree with me 100% but this is how I feel.

1. Klaroline should have been endgame. Caroline made Klaus be in touch with his softer/humane side and was able to stand up to him and gave him tough love when he needed while he made Caroline embrace who she was as a vampire and was the only one who told Caroline it was alright for her to want to raise Lizzie and Josie. They made each other better and they deserved to be together!

2. I have a love-hate relationship with Elena. I don't think she is as annoying as people say she is, I just think because she had more screen time, it became easier to get annoyed (like Tori from Victorious)

3. I believe Bamon would make a better couple than Delena. Please don't hate me, this is just my opinion. I think Bonnie is the one who would always call Damon on his crap while Elena, after getting together with him, gave him excuses and blamed other people for things he did, even Damon said that and admitted they were in a toxic relationship. I feel that the time Damon was stuck with Bonnie showed that she was a good influence on him. And that they had a great bond.

4. I dislike Steroline as a couple. I never hide this, I still think Steroline was better as BFFs than more than that. I am a total sucker for two best friends who become boyfriend-girlfriend but I felt that when they got together, they lost something. And I hated that the writers made it look that Caroline turn it off more because Stefan didn't love her than because of her mom dying.

5. I feel TVD lost some of its charm after the Originals left. They had some good villains but I never loved them as much as the Originals (Kai excluded)

6. I wish we had more of Kai Parker. He was a great villain, he was the guy you loved to hate even tho you didn't hate him completely bc of his charisma. He was like if Klaus and Katherine had a baby and I could totally see him being best friends with Kol. He was a great villain! Probably the last villain of TVD that I loved.

7. There's something in the finale of the show that always bothered me. Stefan gave Damon the cure even not knowing if they would be able to bring Elena back from the coma or whatever. So I always find that weird. I know it's not really an opinion but always bothered me.

8. People talk a lot of shit about Matt but I don't hate him nor find him that annoying. I think it's understandable him disliking vampires because he saw his sister dying, he saw how vampires have killed so many people and he just wanted a normal life that he wasn't able to get bc he found himself wrapped in the supernatural world.

9. I hated Steroline's wedding. Yes, I don't like Steroline as a couple but it's not that the reason. I felt that the wedding was more used as a bait than anything else and I found always weird how in such a short time Stefan proposed to Caroline because when that happened he was still vampire and I think vampires usually wait a really long time before something like that bc their concept of time is different than humans.

10. I think it's wrong for Damon never to acknowledge the things he did to Caroline and I absolutely hated when Elena asked Caroline what was about Damon that made her jump to bed with him, knowing very well the way Damon treated Caroline and how her friends acted nothing happened after compelling Caroline to forget what Damon did to her.

11. I think Caroline becoming a vampire was what made her be way more likable, sure she had some likable things when she was human but I felt she proved how good of a character she was after she turned, I don't think Matt, Tyler, Stefan, Klaus or any other guy did that for her.

12. I hate that the writers never gave Stebekah a real shot bc I felt that they had a great chemistry and that he could make her feel special and loved while she was able to make him not go all Ripper and even teach him how to control. She even sided with Damon when he tried to teach Stefan how to feed and release.

13. I don't think there is a better Salvatore brother. Don't hate me. I know there's been a long discussion but let me just say this. Damon abused Caroline and used her as a walking blood bag he even told Stefan that they were just for his entertainment. Stefan might seem like a nice guy but then when he goes all Ripper... I mean, there was a flashback of Stefan killing kids on Christmas. Sorry but these things I can't forgive. Abusing women and killing innocent children... I just don't think we can say one thing is worse than other because both things are awful and none of them deserves to be the better man.

14. I never really cared about Jeremy and I didn't ship Beremy, especially afte they cheated on Bonnie with his dead girlfriend, I felt the only important thing that happened to Jer that give a big role was the Hunter's mark.

15. Lexi shouldn't have died, especially not that soon in the show. I felt it was amazing how they made a great bond between a guy-girl without making them dating, they kinda reminded me of the friendship of Lucas and Hayley on OTH. I feel that they threw to the trash all Lexi's potential.

So, here are some of my TVD opinions. How do you feel? Do you agree or disagree? Please don't hate me.

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