Prologue/Chapter 1: Leviathan's Demise and The Leviathan Lives On

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"bold" = Dialogue/POV Change and Timeskip/Character First Mention

"italic" = Action

'bold italic' = Thought

Norm = Narration


Yn/Levi POV

There I was, chasing after a "Grand Sharp Teeth" or "Megalodon" as humans call it, It was swimming away in great speeds faster than my fins could take me, due to it's much smaller size than mine it was faster.

I mentally cursed and headed back to my family, We were slowly dying, back in the day "food look for us" but I guess the tables have turned. I sighed as I arrive at the sight of my brothers and sisters with hope in their eyes. As soon as they saw me their eyes lit up, they rushed towards me but I slowly shook my head, they looked down disappointed we haven't eaten anything in 2 weeks. I swim to the seafloor with my siblings following me, i lay down and circled my remaining Family with my body trying to protect them.

'What will I feed my siblings..?' I tried to think of something but none came out, I kept thinking when I suddenly got an idea.

"Brothers...Sisters... I found us some food.." I forced a smile trying not to shed a year. "Where?!" One of my siblings asked full of hope. "Here..." I pointed at myself forcing a smile, some of siblings were confused while some are starting to cry.

"No! We'll never eat you! You're our big brother!!!" Most of my siblings said in unison and the ones that are confused now realize what I meant, I had no choice, I was a full-grown leviathan, my body will satisfy their hunger for months.

"*Chuckles softly* I knew some of you will say that but.... It's the only way for you guys to survive... I've lived my life to the fullest when I was your age and i wouldn't let hunger ruin your childhood.... So please.... Live for big brother..." I smiled at them trying to ease their pain while crying, I had no choice but to offer myself to my siblings so they can satisfy their hunger.

They nodded and I closed my eyes waiting for them to feed on me, I opened my eyes for a second and said in a weak voice "Thank you for being my siblings... Live On" then shut my eyes as I feel them tearing off my flesh.

I guess the king's reign has ended, at that moment many of my kind viewed me as a hero, family lived on, things got back to normal and the starvation has ended, I died to let my family move on.

I felt my body touch something, I opened my eyes and saw myself on a large patch of very-small-rocks (sand), i grabbed it and let it fall from my palm- wait grabbed it?! I looked at my supposed to be tentacles replace with hands? I stand up and look at my reflection on the water, I looked human, I was also wearing formal-looking clothes, most of it was ink (black) in color, I also noticed a black necklace with a red symbol on it.

 I felt my body touch something, I opened my eyes and saw myself on a large patch of very-small-rocks (sand), i grabbed it and let it fall from my palm- wait grabbed it?! I looked at my supposed to be tentacles replace with hands? I stand up and l...

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