Our little game.

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His whispers sent shivers down your spine. The suspense of what he was going to say next was insane. What did he want to do? Your legs went weak- if he wasn't holding your wrists against the wall you would've fell a long time ago. You could feel his breath on your face whilst looking down at you. He got closer to you and whispered, "I'm gonna hold you here for 15 minutes. Every time you look at me right in the eyes, I kiss you. If you have looked into my eyes more than ten times after the 15 minutes..." he laughed, removed one of his hands from your wrist, grabbed your chin, lifted it and began looking at your neck. "I get to leave 15 love bites anywhere I want." You were shaking. It was quite clear you didn't have a choice to say no, but you didn't even want to say no. You wanted the challenge- 'how hard could it be to not look into his eyes?' You thought to yourself. "Deal."

There was no escaping it now. A deal is a deal. You looked at the door to the left of you, spotting every detail on it. That was enough to get you through 30 seconds. Hawks was now crouching down to your level and looking into your eyes, almost a centimetre away from you. If you looked into his eyes once you would look weak. You weren't gonna let him win. After 45 seconds, you got off guard. "Look at me." Hawks whispered into your ear. Without thinking you looked at him in a microsecond. You looked into his eyes for 3 seconds then remembered the challenge. Hawks laughed and kissed you, but it wasn't one of those lip pecks. The kiss had lasted 10 seconds and after he pulled away you re-opened your eyes and said "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME IT WAS GONNA BE THAT TYPE OF KISS BIRDBRAIN." Hawks smirked and looked at you like something was wrong with your face. Then you realised. You were looking right into his glowing eyes. He leant forward and kissed you again. You were certain to look away when you open your eyes. You began looking at a light bulb, trying to stall yourself. Keigo had now started snarling a bit in his breath. You felt that feeling where you had to look him in the eye. You looked for a split second then looked away as fast as possible. But he caught you. He once again leant in and kissed you. "Kid, it's been a minute and you've already looked 3 times." You angrily replied "I didn't mean to do it the second time!!" He looked at you with a huge smile on his face. "Like you weren't meant to do it right now?" You had realised you had looked right into his eyes when talking again. Another kiss. It had been 4 times in a minute and 3 seconds.

13 minutes had passed by and you were on your last chance, But keigo had a plan. He grabbed his keys out of his pocket and whilst you were looking at the ceiling, he put them in-front of his left eye. Then he shook them so it would make a noise. The noise was so sudden that your brain couldn't process it and you immediately looked to where the sound could of came from. You looked deep into his left eye. "Shit." You said, followed by a loud sigh. "That's 10." Hawks whispered. (This is gonna be torture to write 😃)

He laughed in your ear and grabbed your hand, dragging you to his bedroom. Once he was in the room, he picked you up and threw you on the bed and jumped on top of you. He held your chin up and kissed you, his tongue down your throat. You were shocked, eyes wide, but after 10 seconds you felt completely calm. He pulled away and worked his way down to your neck, where he began to leave a mark. You bit your lip and closed your eyes, has he went down to your collarbone and left a mark there. 5 minutes later he had left one on your stomach, another two on your neck, one more on your collarbone and 9 more in other places IDK WHAT OTHER PLACES TO SAY USE YOUR MIND :). Once he had finished his 15 marks of choice he came back up to your face and kissed you like he did the first time. Once he had pulled away he saw you were drenched in sweat, and he couldn't help but laugh. "Let me go get you a paper towel for the sweat." He mockingly said, almost skipping to the kitchen, leaving you on the bed startled.

I'll keep you forever... hawks x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now