1. Twelfth Night

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"Fucking guts. Oh, sweet stupid guts."

-Kyle Anderson


BEING a teenager is hard. That's what Kyle Anderson felt. Lots of things to do, lots of things to think. All about the future, and forget the past. Things that the adults forget that future and past are connected to each other. Kyle's past is not so bright, made him think that his future is going to be all dark and blur.

"Zero motivation, zero fucks, zero problems." is his motto. He always thought that the less he cares about things around him, the less trouble he will get. Although, his actions said otherwise. Come late to school, broke the school's dress code, and daily meet up with the counsellor or detention –if he lucky-. He's famous among the school. Labelled as "The Dark Boy", which he gets by the way he dressed. Black outfits, piercings, and dark eyeliner. The rumour says he have a tattoo on his body, which is not proven to this day. The scent of his breath is the smell of cigarettes and rack of beers.

This morning is like any other mornings. He wakes up, groaning, thinking if whether he should skip the school or not. Today, he decided to go to school. Perhaps something interesting will happen. he thought. And so, he got up, go to his bathroom and clean himself up. When he's done, he went to his closet to grab some clothes. His today outfit are black t-shirt, a stripped long-sleeved shirt and wear it underneath the t-shirt, blue baggy jean and adds it with some belt and chains. He perfected his looks by adding a black boot, and apply a dark eyeliner onto his eyelids. He didn't even bother to grooming his hair, so now it's just a messy black curly hair, and he's fine with that. He then grabbed his satchel bag –which only filled with a pack of cigars, his car key, a pen, an earphone and a lighter- and go downstairs.

"...this is a final discussion!" Matthew's voice echoed around the house. He scolded his other son, Jack who is now seating and looking down at his plate. Kyle looks at his mom who's walking into the eating table to sets up some food. When she saw Kyle, she smiled.

"Oh hey. Pancakes?" ask her. Kyle looks at the pile of pancakes and grabs two of them. She looks at Matthew and then Kyle, "You're not eating here? With us?"

He shakes his head no. "I'm late."

"Kyle," Matthew called when he's at the door. Kyle turned to him, "Please behave at school. I don't want to hear from your mom that Steve called her about your stupid behaviour."

Kyle rolls his eyes, slightly, "Yes, sir." Matthew doesn't know the sarcastic in that tone.

He then walks outside to his truck. He drives the vehicle to school and parked at one of the deserted spots, far away from other students. A boy with blonde hair walking towards his car while Kyle got out from his car. The blondie, Elijah, is his friend. His only friend, actually. All of the reputations and rumour he's got makes him unable to make friends very easily. Sometimes when he managed to greeted a new person, they always walk away scared. Thanks to James from 9th grade who spread a rumour about Kyle being a former murderer and criminal –which is not true, of course-, now more than a half kids in school hates Kyle more than he hates himself. Only Elijah who dodges off the feelings of being friend with 'former murderer and criminal' and accept him the way he is. Same with Kyle, who accept Elijah for his bubbly and gleeful self, even though he has his own way to express his love and affection. Elijah grinned when he saw his friend since he was little.

"Hey," he greeted. Kyle responded with a simple nod. "So, what makes you decided to not to skip school today?" Elijah knows for sure that Kyle hates going to school. It actually became his weekly routine, that people tend to ask the reason why he attend the school that day, rather than ask him the reason for him to skips school.

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