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"Mr. Anderson," A man from the crowd raise his hand, "A question. What inspired you to make this painting?"

A man in a grey suit stand in front of a big painting. It was a painting of two silhouette of a girl and a boy, standing on the balcony as they stared at the moon. The man smiled, "Let's just say that it was based on a true story. Instead of turning it into a movie, I made a painting out of it."

Another hand raised from one of the crowds, "When did you started to paint that?"

"In high school. When I was seventeen." He answered.

"It's a long time ago," The same man said, "Do you consider that painting to be one of your first artwork?"

The man in suit shook his head, "No, I did paint when I was little. And I sell it to the neighbourhood. But if you ask if this was my first official artwork then yes."

"What do you call the painting again, sir?" The man asked again.

He smiled, "Two Figures under the Moon."

The questioner nodded his head alongside the others in the crowd. They walked to the next painting in the gallery while Kyle stayed on where he is, looking at the painting.

After he graduate, his father died from a stroke he was having. He gave his family ten million dollar as a legacy. But his mother refused to take it, not even a penny and said it will become a better use if both Jack and Kyle have it instead. And so, Jack used the money to continue to fashion design school and opened his own showroom. While Kyle used it to open his gallery in New York three years after he get the legacy. Much of surprise but he actually grew himself up to like the city.

It's the third year after he officially opened the gallery. It became one of the most famous galleries in New York. So many people have been walking in and out to buy his paintings. But the one he looked at right now was never sold. He didn't want to sell it because it was very personal to him.

While Kyle looked deeply at his painting, he felt a present of a person standing next to him. It was a woman. She looked fascinating in her coffee turtleneck and black blazer with plaid skirt. How her soft black hair hanging onto her shoulders She holding a camera that slowly reaching up to taking a picture of the painting.

Kyle's eyes widen and quickly came towards her to stop her action, "I'm sorry ma'am. You can't take pictures without any permission."

The woman stopped her action and looked at the painting embarrassed, "Oh god! I'm apologized. I thought I could-"

Her words stuck in her throat as her gaze stuck on Kyle. Kyle, too, lost in his mind when he recognized the woman standing in front of him.

It was Luna.

The eyes of the two connected for a pretty long moment before she shook her head and chuckled. Kyle felt a warm feeling as his heart beating in his chest when he heard a sound he really missed. Luna looked up to meet Kyle's gaze for the second time. Oh, how she misses those hazel eyes.

"Hi," she smiled sweetly to him. Showing off to him that she still, after all of those years, have the perfect dimples curved on her round cheeks.

He pulled himself a smile as he replied, "Hi."

Kyle, however, wondered how she still can recognize him despite all the change he had for the past years. He no longer wearing eyeliner. There's not a single piercing on him anymore. He dyed his hair back to his natural light brown colour. And, even though he sometimes still wearing dark clothes, he's not wearing dark clothes right now.

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