5. Take Me Back to the Night We Met

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"I love you."

-Kyle Anderson


On the third day on a school trip, Kyle completely gave up. He refused to join the plain and boring tour, so he asked Elijah –who also his hotel roommate- to take out his absent paper for the next trips.

Tonight, is the last night of the school trip, so he decided to get out of his shell and find some fresh air. Elijah had fallen asleep because he got exhausted of the today's trip. Kyle, who already in his sweatpants and shirt at his pyjamas, grabbed his jacket and put it on. He grabbed his sharing keys with Elijah and got out of the room.

He doesn't know where to go yet but he saw a swimming pool from his hotel room window and no one was in there so that's where he going.

The pool of the hotel was comprehensive. It has two large pools with one small hot tub. The beach chairs were spread around the pool, along with the lights. Kyle folded the hem of his sweatpants and then dipped his feet into the calm and warm water. He looked up the sky where he saw his old friend, the moon. He smiled, remembering the night at the party. Where he officially talked for the first time with Luna.

Then he looked at his reflection on the water. So much had changed. He didn't wear his eyeliner since the trip, he left it on his home on purpose. Kyle had fully stopped smoking. With Elijah's advice to wearing nicotine patch, he's now officially become a former smoker. He left his drinking habit, and it become ancient history. All of that, without he's realizing, was because he fell in love. And now he's thinking about it; Love is such a strong power.

"NYPD! You've been under arrest for breaking your curfew." A soft voice spoken as Kyle turned around. He laughed when he found out the owner of the voice was Luna.

"Catch me if you can, officer." He stated. His pupils got darker when he saw Luna in her nightgown underneath a cardigan. Her slow steps in her sandals drive him crazy but he's trying to shook it off his head.

Luna sat down beside Kyle, as her legs touches the warm water. She hugs her body as the cool breezing air brushing her hair and neck. Her eyes shots at the dim light of the moon as she said, "The moon really enjoy our company, doesn't she?

Kyle smiled when he heard her said that, "Yeah I think she is."

"That was long ago but it feels like yesterday."

"If you don't mind me asking," he said. Luna turned her focus to him, "Do you remember everything the night at the party?"

She let out a nervous laugh, "Well, not really. I remembering I almost falling and tripping most of the times."

"Oh okay." He felt disappoint running through his chest since he was desperately hope that she remembered the talk with him.

"But I do remember our little conversation," She said, "That's the only thing I could remember from the whole night if I'm being honest."

Kyle found himself blushed but he quickly turned around and looked at the water.

Luna sighed out the coldness in her. She looked around at her surroundings. Their hotel was surrounded by many other buildings. The lights from the building gave her a calm felling because city lights are one of her many favourite things in the world. But as much as she loved them, she wants to get out of the place as soon as possible.

"Kyle," Luna called him.

He looked at her softly and said, "Yeah?"

"What are you going to do after this?"

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