sanket's close one

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Sanket mehta: this guy is something different. (You guys have just read it everywhere the girl is innocent and the guys had a bad boy image. But in my story it ain't be like that.Coz me and my stories are unique lol)sanket was rude but ain't a bad boy note it. He was rude to his family except his sister mrunu* (let me tell you a secret. He ran from the house when he was 14 shhhhh!!! Dont you dare to tell anyone🤐) haha lol. There are many more deep secrets but I'm not telling you guys now but definitely soon.
I guess it was more my POV. And less the introduction, nvm.

Sankets mom and dad: they were strict parents and never let their children get any of freedom. They were strict but caring towards sanket(but not runu coz she was a girl!!!!! Typical indian parents. Ik only some parents are there who treat their girl child this in india so dont get to me saying how could you say that indian parents are partial towards girl child it's an imagination so calm down)

Mrunuuu: humari pyaari bacchiiii*(sweetest person)
Mrunu always wanted to be an artist. She was good in arts back then in schools. But her parents didn't let her explore more but sanket always had her back and he always supported her by letting mrunu explore things but obviously hiding it form their parents.

Tanzeel khan and mr mnv: since sanket cant go out many of the times so he had only two friends who could understand sanket were only these two. They were classmates. So sanket had spent his time with these two alot. Sanket was trusting manav and tanzeel blindly. And also tanzeel and manav knew sanket was trustworthy. (I'm sorry I'm introducing them in details but I'll probably do In next part for sure.🤭


Also I wasn't even expecting people will invest their interest in this story but some of you did. So they are the for whom I'm writing this for thankyou those
11 people who read this.

As I'm new to this place so please suggest me and correct me. Suggestions and corrections are welcome.

AND ALSO english is not my first language so ignore grammatical mistakes. And also dont judge me rather than correct me where I'm wrong.

Next part will soon be updated.

Till then stay safe stay healthy AND WASH YOUR HANDS PROPERLY. LOL. BIEEEEE!

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