Interruptions; male!SpamRisk x Reader

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This chapter was written by JessTheFanficTrash , not me. Thank them for this wonderful writing or I will eat your shower curtains


(Y/n) was sitting in math class, their hair falling in their face every so-often.

Suddenly, gasp, they hear a familiar ringtone. Looking around, they realize it was their phone, to the familiar tune of WAP.

Quickly excusing themselves from the room, (Y/n) steps into the hallway, looking at the contact name.

It was Spam Risk.

Blushing, (Y/n) answers the call.

"Step Spam Risk, I'm in class!" They whined.

"I know, I just really wanted to check in." The husky voice of Mr Spam Risk rang through the speakers of their phone.

(Y/n) internally squealed.

They ended up skipping class and stayed on call with Spam Risk.

Spam Risk x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now