Chapter 2: Graveyard

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The place the arrived in was not what they were expecting. The AU was abandoned, with not even the animals remaining.

It was creepy to say the least, however the most interesting thing was the mansion in the clearing. It was tall and looked to have three floors. Windows and a garden decorated the exterior.

The continued to look around, making sure to no be seen by the possible owners. Something had caught Abyss's attention and he looked over to see something he wasn't expecting.


There was six in total. All with names engraved(I'm sorry I had to) into the front.
"Uh guys..? You might want to see this..."

"What's up Abyss?" Ink asked as the all gathered where he was.

"What's so weird about graves?" Red asked not amused in the slightest. Blue elbowed him as Abyss told the rest of the group why.

"I dunno if it's just me, but there's something off about these graves." He replied gesturing to the stones in the ground.

"Oh my Asgore...." blue muttered, while everyone was talking, he had gotten a closer look at the graves. The names where neatly etched in, and there was no mistaking who's they were...

"THEIR THE BAD SANSES GRAVES!!" He exclaimed a sense of dread filled the sans. The others looked at him in disbelief.

There were a few "are you sure"'s and "you've got to be joking" exchanged before anyone dared get a closer look.


"Yep. Those apparently belong to them, and their definitely not fake." Sci concluded, looking through the pictures ink sent him. "However we can't assume anything till we know for sure." He added.

"Okay thanks Sci, maybe keep looking through the book and see what you can find." Ink replied before saying bye and hanging up.

"Now what?" G asked leaning onto a tree nearby. They were all confused, there were graves; they seemed legit, but that brought up so many more questions!

Like why they had the Bad Sanses names on them. How could they be here when all six of them were(unfortunately) still alive!

"What if their ghosts?" ghost sans(idk his name) asked with his arm crossed.

"How would they be able to destroy universes if their ghosts?" Red asked, rolling his eye lights at him.

The ghost sighed and went over to red and pushed him into the puddle behind him, laughing at the confused look on Red's face.

"Does...heh...Does that answer your question?" He asked trying not to laugh too much.

"Well it does answer the question on wether or not you're as annoying as my chara. Which is a yes." Red growled.

"Aww! thanks I try." He joked.

"Both of you stop it. If their still ghosts then why are they still here? And how did they..." he paused, "die...?" Ink asked in a somewhat worried tone and no one was gonna judge him for that.

"Why don't we talk to deaths Bro? He probably knows something and I doubt death will help." Outer suggested.

'Heh, I already did..' Reaper thought as ink sent Sci a text to ask him to get Deaths brother.

Moments later another skeleton appeared through a portal; it was non other than Reapers bro, Painless death (or as ink calls him 'God of death number 2').

"Hello ink and friends! I was told you needed my assistance?" He asked when he arrived, only to stop when he saw the graves.

"We need you to tell us if these are real or not and if they truly are ghosts." G asked.

"Of course they are! Didn't my brother tell you?" The other AU's shook their heads. "Oh. They probably didn't want you to know if he didn't tell you."

"But it doesn't make sense! When did they die?? And more importantly how??" Red yelled, he was not in a good mode today.

"Uh Mr. death? You wouldn't be able to perhaps replay their memories, would you?" The ghost of the group asked in a surprisingly polite voice.

"Of course I can! I am the great Papyrus!" Some of the other Sanses chuckled at him while death got to work. Some of them hadn't seen their Papyurs in a while so it helped them hearing that line again.

Death used his magic to find the memories hidden within the dust, frowning when he did. He warned the others that not all their deaths were peaceful and that three were murdered and one committed suicide.

"I wonder which idiots got themselves killed." Red chuckled, both blue and death glared at him.

"RED ME, IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE RESPECTFUL THEN LEAVE AND WE WILL FILL YOU IN LATER." Blue glared. Unknown to the rest of the group the energetic sans was close friends with error and knew about dusts depression. He already knew who had killed themselves and was trying very hard not to cry.

Red decided to back off to everyone's relief as death used his magic to replay the memories.

A golden light appeared to surround the graves before spreading and taking different forms. For example, the walls of a house, a kitchen and a person.

And that person was Nightmare.

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