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It's time to sleep, now. John's already in bed, staring up at the ceiling. I'm laying on the floor, with one blanket under me and one over me, paired with a thin couch pillow.

This is so damn uncomfortable...

I looked over at John's queen sized bed, immediately feeling the urge to jump in bed with him. And jealous. I slowly and silently stood up and creeped over to Jack, and lifted up his bed's blue comforter, then slipped into bed with him. I snuggled closer to him, not caring because it's fucking cold. His body was facing towards me, as I breathed into his chest, smelling his fresh, masculine scent. I ran my hand through his messy, unstyled hair that was drooping onto his face. He shuffled, so I snapped my hand back. I watched in fear as he stirred awake. I stretched my eyes open, wider than ever. I felt myself get hot, as I watched his elusive eyes open, focusing them on me. 

"y/n... why are you in my bed?"

"I-It was cold, and uncomfortable." I stuttered out. He chuckled and reached his arms out, hugging me. I jolted, but eventually relaxed. "You're so fucking adorable, y/n."

"J-Jack, are you okay?" I squeaked out. He raised a brow, and retorted "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He said while stroking my soft hair. I shrunk into my shoulders.

"I-It's just... I'm a guy, you're a guy. I-I don't think you're... into that." I stammered. He propped himself up on his elbow, and squinted his eyes. "Whoever said that?"

I chuckled. "No one, but... it's better that I make sure, y'know?" I said, then proceeded to hug him back. I smirked, just gaining a devious idea. I wrapped my thighs around his pelvis, and sat atop of him. I pushed myself down onto his groin, and leaned in to his ear, "You're pretty cute yourself, Jackie."


I feel myself get warm, and stimulated. What drove him to do that? Not that I don't like it, it's just a bit abnormal. I widen my eyes, as when he bends down, and breathes his hot breath onto my ear, making my blood rush to my genitalia, and rise up to poke into his pajama shorts. "y-y/n, what  are you doing?" I stammered out.

He bit my ear softly, and responded, "I'm gonna fuck you." 

Your pov

Wait... He still thinks I'm... normal. He doesn't know that I'm trans. How am I going to bring this up? I... shit.

I involuntarily let a tear glide down my cheek, and whimpered. John seemed to notice my brief tear, and gently grabbed my waist. "y/n, what's wrong?" He asked in a worried, high pitched tone. My breath hitched in my throat, anxiety eating away at every fiber of my being. I need to tell him, it's now or never. He might hate me, but he should know before we go any further. Here we go...

"Kennedy... I was born a woman. But I'm a man, and I always have been. I hope this doesn't change how you feel about me, or how you see me." I proudly say. Then within a second, I immediately regretted my decision. I became scared, and began sweating. I frantically looked around for any surroundings that I may run into, then jumped out of his bed, and ran into the bathroom. 

I'm such a fucking pussy, why can't I just face my problems? I've always been a scared little kid, I fucking hate it. I just want to feel normal, and happy. For once, please, just for a minute. 

I gave a short whine, while sobbing. I hate myself. God, I hate myself.

JAjAJaaajajaja im done with this part. next part coming whenever lool

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