8 bait

385 13 11

(dude kinda looks like bertram from jessie)

Your POV

After the kind visit from Ponce, Jack suggested we go to bed. I fell asleep cuddling next to him, on his large bed. Nothing else happened that night.

Next Morning

I inhaled the fresh morning air, making serotonin rush through my body. I looked behind to me to Jack holding up, and shaking his car keys. I smiled and walked to him, and playfully bumped his shoulder. Jack's dads were asleep, so he decided to take his flashy red sports car.

"C'mon, Y/n! We're gonna be late for breakfast with Ponce!" He said as he ruffled my fluffy hair. I was hopping on one foot, losing my balance while trying to quickly put on my right shoe. I tripped on nothing, and fell on my bottom. I grunted while as I winced, and looked up at Jack, who doubled down in laughter. "You're such a klutz! C'moooooon, let's go already!" He whined, as he grabbed me by my arm, and hauled me over his shoulder, carrying me to the car.

"J-Jack, my legs are just fine! I can walk!" I stuttered out in a nervous voice. He ignored what I said, and just smirked. I rolled my eyes, and slumped into his shoulder.

At the diner

"So... Are you guys, like, a thing?" Ponce suggested. Both Jack and I jumped in our seats. "N-NO!" We exclaimed in unison. I sighed, and spoke up, "No, we are not a thing. We just... were, uh, bonding." I finished with nervous laughter. Ponce looked smug, "Yeah, sure thing, right Jackie?" he tested. Jack spit out his coffee in surprise, and falsely agreed. "Y-Yeah! We were bonding!" He also gave nervous laughter at the end of his sentence. Ponce scanned us, looking for any falters, then sighed.

"Listen, you two. I don't care what you do, just treat each other right. Don't go breaking each other's hearts." Ponce said as he finished his coffee, grabbed his bag, and walked away from us, towards the door. Just before he exited, he stopped and turned his head towards us. "See you at school." He said, then walked out.

I watched him walk away, while he kept his poker face on. I shuddered, as I felt intimidated by him. I turned my head to JFK, and leaned into his chest. "Are you scared?" Jack asked. "Yeah... I'm a little scared." I whispered. He laughed, and said "Don't worry, Y/n. You can trust Ponce not to tell anyone, if that's what you're worried about."

I swear, he's a mind reader. I smiled, and chuckled through my nose. "Yeah, I know. Just a bit anxious." Jack gave a toothy smile, and leaned his head on top of mine. "Let's stay here for a bit, Jackie." I whispered. He nodded, and wrapped his arms around me.

??? POV

Huh? Kennedy is... Woah. Cleo is not gonna be happy. I pulled out my camera, and snapped some photos of the two. I cackled to myself as I looked through the photos. "This is gonna make the cover!" I whispered, as I quickly left. I looked back at JFK, with only one thought.

"Cleo is mine"

Y/n pov, at school.

I'm currently in my second to last period of the day, Ms. Chan's math class. I'm sitting next to Jack, as I fiddled with my pencil, hardly paying attention to anything she was saying. I failed to realize that the teacher was talking to me.

"Y/n L/n! Listen to me when I'm talking to you!" She shouted at me, as I finally jumped up at realization of my surroundings. "Sorry, Ms. Chan. I'm a bit tired, but I didn't miss any of the assignment." I said in an even tone and pace. She seemed annoyed by my answer.

"Alright, Y/n. You said you were listening, let's see if you're telling the truth. I want you to solve the circumference, diameter, and area of a circle, if the radius is 125. In ten seconds. Go." She said while smirking. 

"Circumference is approximately 785.3982, diameter is precisely 250, and area is exactly 49087.39. Something harder, please?" I answered almost immediately, with a smug smile on my face. She frowned with furrowed eyebrows.

"Okay Mr. L/n, since you think you're so smart, I'll give you another equation to solve." She said, as she turned to the chalkboard. She was quickly writing numbers and variables down.

After about 30 seconds, she turned back around. The board read... 

"When divided by x - 1, the polynomial P(x) = x5 + 2x3 +Ax + B, where A and B are constants, the remainder is equal to 2. When P(x) is divided by x + 3, the remainder is equal -314. Find A and B."


"Alright L/n, now won't you solve this? 1 minute, go." she swiftly said.

Shit, I don't know if I can do this in a minute, but I'll try. I quickly started scribbling my pencil, writing numbers and letters. My work is to find A and B. It's simple, I can do this!

The teacher was timing me, and started counting down from 30. She got to 21, before I finished with A=5, and B=8

"Done!" I assertively said. She raised an eyebrow, and said "Let me see. There's no way you got this in under a minute." as she snatched my paper. Her eyes scanned through my paper, and as she neared the end, her eyes widened in disbelief. "You... You got this correct? In under a minute?" she quietly said, baffled.

I sighed in relief, and looked her in the eyes. "See? I wasn't lying. Can we continue the lesson?" I sassed. She scoffed, and said "Unbelievable." under her breath, as she folded the paper and put it in her desk's cabinet.


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