4 kasjfg

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JFK told me that his dads said yes, and that I could come over. I told him that I'm on my way. Although, I didn't tell him about the police part. But I said I would explain when I get there. 

I inhaled through my nose, taking in the scent of the  officer's 'new car' air freshener. I looked to my left to the tanned man. He was driving to JFK's house, which wasn't too far from the station. 

"Is this kid a close friend of yours?" The man asked.

"Yes, he's a good friend of mine." I lied through my teeth. Although, I wouldn't mind getting closer to him... I felt my cheeks burn up at my thought.

"Heh. Alright, y/n." He said, smiling. We pulled into the parking lot of a huge house, and saw two men sitting on a couch in a beautifully lit living room. 

"Thanks for the ride, sir." I spoke. 

"Of course! Be good, alright?" He said calmly. I smiled and nodded my head at him. I exited the car and walked to the door. I felt my heart racing as I brought my finger to the doorbell. I finally pressed the doorbell gently, and stepped back behind the doormat. I waited a couple seconds before the door gently opened, revealing a man with chocolate skin and espresso colored hair.

"Heeey, baby! Are you Jack's friend, y/n?" He asked while giving an inviting smile.

"Yep, that's me!" I held out my hand for a handshake as a greeting, in which he responded with a soft, friendly handshake. "Come on in, sugar! I'll go ahead and call John down." With that, I walked into the house that smelled like warm milk chocolate. It makes my nerves relax, lessening my anxiety of everything going on thus far. I found a chair, which looked fluffy as shit. I sat down, and when I say I feel relaxed nothing compares to the feeling of this chair. Now, to wait.


"Oh, man." I whisper to myself, as I'm trying my best to look casual for y/n. It's kinda ironic that I'm trying so hard to make it look like I didn't try. I smell my armpits, testing for any gross body odors. Good, nothing. I looked into my large closet-door mirror in my room, seeing if I look good, which I do. I snapped the elastic waistband to my black and green plaid pajama shorts, and looked at myself in my loose-ish black tank top. I smiled and stuck out my butt while looking at myself and winked.

"Ya got this, Jacky. You're a er, hot lad, nothing can compare." Wait, why do I care if I look hot for y/n? "Good grief, you're losing yourself Kennedy!" I thought.

"Baby, come on down! Your friend's here!" My dad called. I jumped a bit, startled from the sudden noise. I gave my outfit one last glance, and decided it was time to go down. I slid on my fuzzy shark slippers, and left my room. I inhaled the sweet aroma of my dad's brownies coming from downstairs, I then practically leaped down my stairs, with 3 steps at a time. When I made it downstairs, I spotted y/n. My face lit up with excitement. "Heya y/n! How ya doin?" His head snapped up, and he smiled and waved at me. He looked at me with his e/c eyes, and smiled, closing his eyes and waving. I felt my heart skip a beat, with my cheeks lighting up. My dads seemed to catch on to this, and giggled like school girls. 

"I'm good, how are you?" He cooed sweetly. Holy shit! He's fucking adorable!

I turn away, blushing, and maybe a couple seconds later, I respond "G-Good! I'm good! Do you er, wanna try some brownies my dad made?!" I respond as my breath hitches in the back of my throat. He stood up and dusted off his black worn-out jeans. "Sure, why not?" He breathes out. 

Ba-Dump. Ba-Dump. Wow... He's amazing.


"Wow, dese are goomd!" I exclaimed while stuffing my face with brownies. They're so creamy! With the perfect amount of sugar and salt. It makes me want to drool, but that would be impolite. I saw Wally happily prance into the kitchen where we were eating brownies.

"Hey, boys! So, someone called for y/n... it was the sheriff." He ended the sentence with a deeper tone. HURK- WHAT? Oh no, I don't need them to be getting in trouble! Technically they'd be harboring me. He turned to me with a nervous expression "They want to talk to you, y/n." Okay, let's talk this out with the sheriff.


I slowly and quietly stepped my way to the living room where y/n was having a conversation with the town's sheriff. "I-I'm sorry. I just didn't want to be alone-" He was saying. I let my normally derpy face drop to a frown. I don't know what this guy's been through, but it seems to really have affected him. 

ok i cant process shit so rest in next part lool next might be smeex buut no promises.

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