Welcome to the DevilDom!

217 8 16

Word count: 1208
I step through the large double doors towards the main hall of the Devildom Academy. Due to my test scores and ability to cast basic magical spells, I was chosen to spend a year studying as an Exchange Student along side the demons of Devildom. How exciting.. I've never left home and now some random people have chosen where I will be staying for an entire year studying material I could learn in my home town.

Standing in the middle of the room, a group of young men huddle in a circle speaking and joking around with eachother. Each one had a very unique look to them even though they adorned the school uniform. One with blonde hair starts yelling about something, while another with orange grabs his stomach with a whine.

The door had continued to open without my knowledge until it banged against the wall behind it. Everyone in the room looked up to see what had ruined their meeting. I gave a small wave and an awkward smile while directing my attention towards a man with crimson red hair.

"Hello, I'm Y/N. I'm one of the chosen human exchange students." The man with the red hair which was unusually tall held up their arms and smiled wide.

"Welcome to the Devildom, Y/N. I am Lord Diavolo, but you may just call me Diavolo." His heavy footsteps rang through the walls as he strode over to bend down and shake my hand. I hesitantly take it as he suddenly has a change of heart and spins us around. The dance ends with his arm on my back as I'm bending backwards with his form looming over me.

"Lord Diavolo, you shouldn't act like that with the exchange students." Another tall man approached us as I was pulled back into a standing position, an arm around my shoulders.

"Oh, don't worry Lucifer, I'm sure little Y/N knows that this was just a friendly gesture. Right?" You feel his gaze on the top of your head and decide to nod quickly while trying to suppress the blush forming across my cheeks. I look up to see the raven haired, Lucifer, that Diavolo was talking to. His hand was up at his chest while speaking. He seemed like he would have a stick up his ass this entire time, how fun.

My gaze wonders to behind the giants surrounding me to the rest of the group that were still messing around with eachother, except for one. A shorter, purple haired boy was staring in the direction of us. His hair unkept and uniform a mess, but his eyes sent alarms in my head. He seemed to be absolutely lost in thought while staring daggers through my form. A shiver of excitement ran down my spine, maybe this place will be more fun then I thought.

"Oh, I see you are curious of my brothers?" Said lucifer in a softer tone than before. I simply nod, not being able to take my eyes off the unkept stranger in front of me. He seems like a shut in from the way he dressed, but aren't they the most fun?

"Hey Y/N, wanna make a bet? I could really use the cash." A blonde haired guy with another unkept uniform says. His sunglasses said money but everything else said struggling financially.

"Mammon, Don't." Lucifers voice is low but firm. Mammon backed down like a puppy while letting out small whines to Lucifer. If Lucifer wasn't going to smack him upside the head, I was about to.

"I am Beelzebub, Avatar of Gluttony. Do you have any snacks with you?" The tallest of the bunch with orange sunset hair says. His presence is terrifying, yet he feels like a teddy bear.

"Hello beautiful~ I'm Asmodeus, but you may call me Asmo~" a dirty blonde swiftly and elegantly slides their arm around my waist while grabbing my opposite hand with theirs. Their face gets far to close for comfort before a hand pushes his away.

"If you couldn't tell, he is the Avatar of Lust. Hello, I am Satan, Avatar of Wrath." His sentence ends in a snarl as he practically throws Asmodeus to the floor.

"My twin, Belphie was selected for the exchange program as well, so you won't be able to meet him." Beelzebub says with a frown. I make a slight coo at him and touch his shoulder. For being the Avatar of Gluttony, he's pretty strong. Far less fat than you would think for someone that is an incarnation of Gluttony.

My face falls into my typical fake smile as I turn over to the still unintroduced boy. Mammon hits the back of his head which seems to snap him out of the thoughts that had taken him hostage.

"Oh right, I'm Leviathan, Levi for short. Damn Normie." His face glows a light rose color while pouting. I step over towards him, slowly realizing how much taller even the shortest of the bunch was than me. Time for me to show I will not be taking any shit from anyone here.

"Who you calling a Normie, Levi?~" I give him a slight pouty face and notice the small gaming system in his hand. The screen was filled with F/G (Favorite Game) playing. "I bet you don't even know the secret to this" I quickly grab the game system and tease him with it.

"You'll break it, stop it!" Scales start to grow down the side of his cheek as a tail appears under his magically changed outfit. Our faces were inches apart as I saw horns grow in my peripheral vision. The scales were a lovely sea blue color and the horns were more like antlers.

I realize my back was cold, I turn my head to look over and see the tiled floor beneath me. It wasn't even half a second and he was on top of me with both wrists in one hand and his game in another. His hair fell into my forehead as his eyes said murder. Definitely a shut in gamer, the freakiest. I show no fear while a blush forms on my cheeks. His eyes calm down and he stops showing his fangs while lightly releasing the grip on my wrists.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. His forehead rest on mine, I could feel the softness of his hair against my face. His breath was hot and I could tell he was trying to calm down. This can't be the first incident like this.

"Levi, get off!" Satan yelled while grabbing the back of Levi's shirt. I sit up and start to rub my wrists as small marks start to form around the bone. Lucifer helped me back up and standing while I push down the sleeves of my uniform to hide the forming bruises.

"Let's go on a short tour of the school, then I'll be showing you where you will be staying." I look over my shoulder to see Levi being scolded by Satan as Beelzebub holds the blonde haired bottle of anger back. Levi looks over at me with sad puppy dog eyes. I gave him a sly wink while walking out the door.

Romance Is for Normies! - Leviathan x Reader (Obey Me!)Where stories live. Discover now