More temptation

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This chapter I'd dedicated to @SpareOom who has been so nice to me. Here is the update you wanted. More to follow.

Lucy PoV
The sun shone brightly as the wind blew the sails. An island was spotted. All in the boats again.

"I doubt they stopped here my lease." Said a sailor on another boat "there's not a man in sight!"
"Once we hit the shore, talk you men and search for food and water." He yelled as he and Edmund rowed. I was stirring Emily sat nervously next to me. " the four of us will go and look for clues"
"Hang on! Do you mean the five of us?" Everyone stopped rowing and turn to Eustace "come on please don't send me back to the rat!?!"
" I heard that!" Yelled Reepicheep
"Big ears" he whispered
"I heard that two!"
We all laughed as our boat hit the shores.

Emily's PoV
We walked over the rocky terrain. The sun beating on our backs.
"Look!" Caspian ran to a rope that hung from a rock.
"Looks like we're not the first people here!" I smiled
"The lords?"
"Could be." Caspian threw a rock down the hole, it clattered away.
"What do d you think could be down there?" We were all staring down this hole.
"There's only one way to find out!" Edmund lowered himself with the rope down this hole.
As soon as he was down safely I began to climb. When I reached the bottom, my hand slipped and I fell. A scream lifted my lips.
"Emily!" Caspian reached down as through he could grab me.

Soon firm arms were around me, Edmund and caught me bird style. I looked at him as she smirked at me.
" if you wanted me to carry you should had just asked!" He whispered in to my ear softly
" well, maybe I'll take your word on that!" I pressed my lips to his.he put me down not braking the connection. Soon we hear rocks begin to fall. Dam! I thought.

We walked into this cave. All the rocks were an orangey golden colour. Edmund walked on, but I waited for Lucy and Caspian.

We walked in on Edmund to fin him staring at a pool, in its depths a glint of golden.
"What do s it?" Caspian asked
"I don't know?" Said Ed "looks like some kind of... Gold statue."

Ed walked away from us and pulled a stick from the wall. I stared at it confusedly. He dipped it into the water. When he pulled it out, it began to slowly change colour. Suddenly, Edmund dropped it into the the water. I looked at Lucy confused.

"He must have fallen in!" Both Caspian and Edmund were at the waters edge.
"Poor man!" Lucy and I went to join them
"Don't you mean 'poor Lord'" Edmund pointed to a gold Shelled at the bottom of the pool.
"The crest of Lord Restima"
"And his sword!" I said spotting it a few feet away. Unlike the other objects it hadn't been turned into gold
"We need it!" Caspian said.

Using Edmunds sword, he and Caspian lent over to hook the hilt and get it from the pond. I bit my tong as rocks began to fall into the water: Edmund could be next.
"They haven't turn to gold!" Lucy questioned
"They're both magical!"
"Here," he passed it to Caspian.
" he mustn't ha e known what hit him." Lucy's voice was filled with sympathy.
"Maybe..." Edmund placed his sword to the ground and too a nearby shell. "Or maybe he was on to something?"
"What are you talking about? " Caspian stared at him inquisitively
letting the water touch the shell, it began to to turn to gold. Promptly he placed it on the ground. Once all of it had become gold, he picked it up. He did not turn gold.

I could see breed fill his eyes. This wasn't the Edmund I knew.
I dare I say... Loved?

Lucy's PoV
"What are you starting at?" I could see Ed's change of mood. He was scaring me.
"Who ever has assess to this pool. Has the most power in the entire world." His eyes never left the golden shell.we all stared at each other. I could feel Emily's worry emanating off her like heat of the sun.
"Emily! We would be so rich! Lucy no one could tell us what to do, or who to live with!" The greed and selfishness filled him. I was so worried.
"You can't take anything out of Narnia, Edmund." Caspian began to walk out of the shadows towards him.
"Says who?" His voice was bear.y a whisper but everyone heard him
"I do."
Edmund looked ready to kill. His eyes cutting like a knife at Caspian. He picked up her s sword not letting go of the shell. He began to walk to him.
"I am not your subject,"
"You e been waiting for this haven't you." He said before yelling "to challenge me. You doubt my leadership?"
"You doubt yourself!" He replied cruelly.
" your a child!"
"And your a spineless sap!"
"Edmund! " I rushed forward pulling him back. He pushed me back.
" I'm tired of playing second fiddle. First it was Peter, and now it's you! You know I'm braver than both of you. And why do you get peters sword? I deserve a kingdom of my own, I deserve to rule! "
"If you think your so brave. PROVE IT!"He pushed him back and Edmund yelled and swing his sword at Caspian. There was a lot of clashing about before I heard
"Stop it!" I looked up to see Emily -once again- between them. She looked from one to the other "both of you. Look at yourselfs. Can't you see what's happening. This place has tempted you.. It's bewitching you! This is exactly what Coriarkin was talking about." She turned to me and nodded.
"Let's get out of here." We walked off.

Edmund PoV.
How could I have been so stupid. I had fallen to temptation and let my greed over rule me. After the White witch, I had never touched another Turkish delight. I had tried not to be selfish or greedy. But what had I some? What would Emily think?

I followed them up back onto the hot volcanic terrain. Never catching Emily's eyes. I couldn't fave the humiliation.

******Hey guys so how do you like the update? Please vote and comment. I will update when I can. In the mean time why don't you read my other books
Is Hogwarts in my blood?
Wizard in the hunger games
It's a fan thing

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