Ive been soft

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Previously on "The assassins curse"
I have no feelings.
At least not the guilty ones.
I don't feel guilty for anything.
Thinking that to herself over and over again she held her dagger tightly and slowly but surely felt her eyes close to sleep.


Waking up in the morning wasn't as pleasant as y/n was hoping for.
There was an ache in her back that she didn't realize was there. And she could feel her bruise darkening.
All because of that Spider-Man kid.
She wasn't actually sure whether that kid was a kid or not.
But he couldn't be older than twenty.
That's much is for sure, most likely her age.
Which pist her off even more, her age.
But she didn't let it get to her head too much, she already knew that she could outbeat him anyday and any time. The only reason why she had aches and a bruise was because she was testing him.
Sometimes even y/n didn't know how she became who she is today.
She could honestly ponder all day thinking about how she could have ever turned out the way she did. And she has.
Not one of her best days. But now she barely questions it.
She accepts it.
Taking off her pajamas she walks into the bathroom staring at her body.
She looks into the mirror not really sure what to think.
She sees all her scars all over her body.
Scars that she'd rather not remember.
But they flood her thoughts despite her efforts.
Y/n remembers when she was younger going through depression. She tried everything she could do to make her father proud. She would kill, steal, train, hurt, everything she could do to make him proud.
But it wasn't until she developed her powers more that he started taking notice.
But by then the damage was already done.
She would train everyday for hours on end, until they left marks. She would go on missions when she was too young and she would get beat until she would pass out. Once she got the ability to pain inflict, she used it on herself to be more intune with pain.
And it worked, but the efforts to get there was hard.
But even when she was young she didn't mind killing.
She never felt guilty, never was too afraid of anything.
But very competitive, and being competitive has its negatives too.
But everything she did caused her to be the best assassin there is. And she would never take it back.
Y/n looked away from the mirror and walked back into her room and got ready.
Wearing a dark green t-shirt and black skinny jeans she pulled up her y/c/h into its cap then went into the bathroom to put on her black wig.
Pulling it in snug and pinning it in place. She put mascara on.
She never wore makeup unless to give off a "don't fuck with me" vibe.
She pulled her now black hair into a high ponytail.
She never had her hair into its normal state unless she absolutely didn't care.
The past few months have been rough for her so she didn't care as much.
Everyone around her was a bit shocked about her actual hair color being y/h/c.
But she didn't care, everyone in this industry knew who she was. Not personally but they knew enough about her.
But she always wore the wig so that just in case if she had to suddenly be around pedestrians or anyone else besides the hydra industry they assume that's her hair color.
So if someone were to look for her really quickly all she had to do was take it off and blend in with the crowd.
Especially if she's known to have black hair.
Even in her secret documents her hair color and photos of her are with black hair.
She brushed her eyelashes lightly with the black mascara brush and lightly put on lip balm to her lips.
Looking at herself in the mirror she walked off.
Slipping on her black boots she walked out of her room to the cafeteria.
David was already sitting at the table eating pancakes.
Y/n walked over with f/b and sat across from him.
He looked up a bit shocked at her makeup.
He shakes his head.
"You only wear makeup when you're up to something."
Y/n shrugs "maybe I am, or maybe I'm not. You'll just have to wait and see."
He laughs.
" and it's not like it's much anyways. Literally all it is is mascara and lip balm. And it's not like I'm one of those prissy girls with their face like a clown."
She gestures towards the other teenager agents.
David looked over and he could see all the girls sitting at the table. He wouldn't say that their makeup was like clown makeup but it was a bit over the top.
"Yeah" he agrees.
He was worried about Vicky, it was only just two days ago that she got captured.
"You're worried about Vicky, aren't you?" Y/n says taking a bite out of y/f/b.
It's like she could read his mind.
"Yeah." He says again. Not hungry.
Y/n notices and takes his plate already done with her other plate.
"Look. It won't be long before we-or actually I, get her back. Then you'll happily have your girlfriend back."
He laughs watching her stuff her face with pancakes.
"You know you care about her too, you can't deny that."
She scoffs.
"No shit Sherlock, but I don't mind if something happens. Which it won't. But if something were to happen. I'm not going to dwell on it. I would avenge her death and kill whoever hurt her. Then afterwards not pay any mind to it." She says taking another bite.
Her way of dealing with remorse was completely different to his. But it works for her, and she wouldn't be her unless she acted like it.
She snorts. "Better believe it"
They continue to eat in silence y/n already on her third plate.
Y/n didn't care how much she ate. She worked out for six hours most days and burnt every calorie off.
She's never been out of shape. Fitness is a big part of her life.
"Has father said anything?"
She looks up at him deciding whether or not to tell him about last night with Griffin.
Sooner or later people will find out.
It was only last night, and when they finally go over to check up on him they'll see his dead body laying on the floor.
It wouldn't be shocking if they came to her first.
She has a record for killing people...obviously.
"Y/n?" David says snapping his fingers to get her attention.
She looked at him calmly. "Uh-n-no"
Y/n wasn't sure why she was so dazed.
"Are you alright?"
She shakes her head. "I don't know, ever since the fight I had last night in queens, I've been feeling different."
He looks at her confused.
"Different how?"
She didn't want to admit it.
"I've been-"
He waits.
"Sft" she mumbles.
"SOFT" she whisper yells.
He laughs so loud everyone around looks at him confused.
Her eyes widened and she kicked him.
"Soft, really!?"
She glared at him.
"Your anything but"
"Yeah well I hope so. Why do you think I want to go out last night?"
He snorts. "So the only reason why you wanted to go out last night was so that you could kill someone. Not because you were upset about Vicky. But because you felt like you were becoming soft."
She nods "pretty much"
"You're insane," he said through laughter.
"Apparently not anymore."
"What do you mean?" He says through laughs.
"I mean..." she says ignoring him "-it feels like everyone is taking me less seriously"
He shook his head, "I don't know man, I've only been here since yesterday."
She already knew this.
David and Vicky have been gone since last week, so they don't know what y/n been through.
She stayed in her room most of the time.
Everything just seemed very off about her recently.
But it wasn't good.
"Yeah well whatever."
They sat there quite until a woman walked up to y/n.
"About time." Y/n says.
David looks at y/n confused.
She looks back at him. "I killed Griffin" she whispers to him.
His eyes widened. He knew she hated him, but there was something truly wrong with her if she actually felt no remorse towards anything.
"What?, you didn't like him either." She said simply. Trying to rub the feeling off about not having control...if she was being honest she would have never killed him if it was her choice.
"Yeah, that doesn't mean I'm going to kill him!?"
She shrugs. "He had it coming."
"What do you mean!?" He points a finger at her. "I thought I could handle all these years with you feeling no remorse towards anything or anyone, but this is what's truly insane. You've never murdered someone we all knew. Let alone someone from our industry. And as much as I hate to admit it. We're all family in some twisted way."
She feels anger rising up. He has no idea.
"He was no one to me. Neither are you"
She turns and the woman takes her out of the cafeteria.
Leaving David.
"So...how long are you going to lock me up"
Y/n said not minding at the idea of captivity.
She started to think about what she said to David.
Part of her wanted it to be true, but she knew that it wasn't. Y/n didn't know what was happening to her, when she all of a sudden started caring. It bothered her. It seemed like she was trying everything to get back to herself but it wasn't working.
She thought killing Griffin would have worked but it did know such thing.
"We're not locking you up for killing Griffin" the woman spoke.
Y/n stopped in her tracks. They were in the hallway.
"Because we have a mission for you. And quite frankly your father doesn't care."
Y/n slowly nodded to herself.
They both continue to walk to the meeting room that was a few minutes away from the cafeteria.
Once they entered y/n could see her father on the holographic screen.
"Y/n" he greeted her.
The woman who escorted y/n to the meeting room had left.
Y/n took a seat facing the screen showing her father.
"Father" she greeted him back.
"I assume you know why you are here."
Y/n nods "I'm going on a mission."
Y/n waits for him to continue.
"I know what happened to Vicky."
Y/n tenses in her seat.
"And that's one of the reason you'll be going on this particular mission"
He pauses then continues. " I know about your little stunt with the Spider-Man and I was honestly impressed you didn't kill him on the spot...So my question to you is, why didn't you?"
Y/n pauses before she answers. "I've never seen anyone besides me with abilities. I was curious to see his. I was going fairly easy on him."
Her father nods. "Indeed you did. And how do you feel now ?"
She grips the arm of her char and grind her teeth.
"I want to kill him."
Father chuckles. "Perfect" he chuckles once before stating.
" We need something from the avengers base up in New York. They have this stone...an infinity stone."
Y/n eyes widened. She couldn't believe that one of the infinity stones was so nearby. And what shocked her even more was that her father would send her on a mission to get it.
"Which stone?" She tries to ask calmly.
"The space stone."
She awes at the thought of actually retrieving one.
"So what's the plan?"
"The plan is to send you and David out there in the public. You will first sneak into the compound and detect the energy source of the infinity source with the machine we will give you. If for any reason they start to attack, you will of course use your abilities to protect David and the infinity stone. You will fight back no matter the cost. If for some reason they over power you, you have to make sure that David with infinity stone escapes.
David will have a suit with jets so that he can fly and escape. You are to protect them first if anything should happen. And once you've done that then you are to of course protect yourself. If they somehow capture you, you are under no circumstances to say anything.
We will retrieve you once you have escaped. But no worries my child. I doubt very much such a thing would happen. Any questions?"
Y/n takes a minute to process everything. She wasn't too thrilled that David would be tagging along.
She liked doing things by herself.
"Only two."
He waits.
"I have to kill?"
He nods.
"Then I need help." She said slowly.
He seems just the slightest bit confused.
"And what about?"
"I've been feeling different lately. Somehow weak. In a certain way. I've been caring too much. I want you to... take that away."
He smiles. Very pleased...
"If you have successfully brought back the stone. I will grant your wish."
Y/n smiles relieved but unsure of what she has just asked for.
But she pushes the thought aside.
"When do I start?"
"Two days from now. You leave midnight tomorrow,"
Y/n nods heading towards the door.
"Y/n" her father says
She turns.
"Don't let me down."
She nods again before heading out.

The Assassins Curse Peterparker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now