4: double kill

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He screamed in pain kneeling down on the floor while holding he's crotch. You smirked at the sight and spoke.

"Do that again and I will not hesitate to kick your balls again" You grab your bag and walked pass him while he's groaning. you opened the door and turned around to give him one last glance.

"I kinda thought that your a pervert Mr Kim but I'm too expensive for that see? I'm not an easy girl babe" Taehyung can't help but be mesmerized by you.

And that attacks him more.

With that you left the room before winking at him. Taehyung somehow managed to stand up and let out a low chuckle.

"I think I found my soulmate.."


Walking out of his bathroom he wore his hoodie and sweatpants. he's hair is wet and he still feels pain down there as he keeps groaning whenever he moves.

"damn that girl is strong. At least she would have apologized to me. I'm fucking suffering here"

He sat on the bed while drying his hair when someone knocked on his door he muttered a small 'come in' as the women in her 40's entered with a ice pack. she gave him a questioning look before handing her son the ice pack.

Taehyung took the ice pack and quickly placed it on his crotch. he let out a groan while he's mother just shooked her head.

"what really happened to you young boy?"

"I told you mom. I ran into a pole and accidentally hit my area"

"why would you even run into a pole? Come on I'm your mother I know your lying son" He ignored her as he picked up his glasses and took a history book and started reading it.

He's mother sighed and cleared her Throat before speaking.

"Umm, so I have a friend of mine who has a daughter-"

"Not interested" Taehyung said while flipping through he's book.

"but you didn't let me finish yet! Son, your old enough to have a girlfriend. You are single since you were born! and you got the looks too you know? The girls our there are dying to date you"

"Then let them die"

He's mother got surprised by her son's remark. He got surprised too, he didn't expect that to come out of his mouth He isn't like that.

Did Y/n just possessed My Body?

"I didn't raised you like that young boy!"

"I swear it just came out from my mouth!"

"Anyways, if book was a person will you marry it?"

"if that's possible then it's a big yes"

"Oh my lord" She facepalmed as she couldn't believe her son is like that. She gave up and went to his door and was about to leave when suddenly some words came from Taehyung's mouth which made her face lit up.

"But I'm interested in someone"

He's mother was like a cheetah. She quickly jumped on he's bed and clinged on to he's arm and looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"Is she pretty? Does she have good standards? A good role model? Come on Tell me!"

Taehyung just thought about he's mother's words. well she's really pretty and attractive but role model and standards? it may seem that she didn't got all those traits.

But why did he find it attractive though? She's he's opposite type but still Why? He's thoughts were inturupted by he's mother who's whining and shaking he's arm.

"Taehyung-ah Tell me something!" He sighed and placed he's book on the nightstand before facing he's whining mother.

"first of all mom, I just met her like yesterday and she's my classmate and second, I still have to know her better before I introduce her to you okay?"

"Oh my god Finally! Me and your father thought that your gay but finally" Taehyung choked on he's own saliva as he looked at he's mother with widened eyes.

"Just because I never fell in love with a girl before Doesn't mean I'm gay mom" he glare at her and she did the same.

"Speaking of dad, where is he?" Taehyung noticed her cheerful face slowly turning into a sad one as she sighed and spoke.

"do you know the Choi's industry company?"

"our rival in business, yeah I know what about them?"

"well you see, they are the top grossing industry in South Korea while we are still in second place.
Your father has been overworking himself and I'm so worried about him.
I keep telling him that don't overwork but he's so stubborn. he said he'll not stop until we're first"

Taehyung took off he's glasses and rubbed he's temple when he Heard sobs. He stood up from the bed and hugged he's mom as she cried on her son's chest.

"you know him mom, he's very competitive when it comes to this type of situation but I'll try to talk to him okay? Now stop crying. your ugly" She accidentally hit my area with her knee as I screamed in pain while holding my crotch. again.

"OMO! I didn't do it on purpose I'm so sorry son!" She said panicking and started walking back and forth while I'm on the floor Tearing up a little.

D-Double kill...

You brushed your hair and looked at yourself in the mirror and when your finally satisfied by your appearance you walked out from the closet and walked into the bedroom. Your best friend texted you that he's not in Korea because he had to go with he's parents on a business trip.

"lucky bitch"

The clicking sound of your heel is the only sound heard in the hallway.
Typically your late. late for your second period.

You got chemistry class and you bet that Kim fucking Taehyung is there too.

When you were about to open the door someone covered your eyes along with your nose and mouth.
You tried to escape from the person's grip but it's too strong as the person successfully dragged you inside a room. The room smelled horrible and that's how you knew that the person dragged you inside the janitors closet.

"Let go of me!"

You shouted in anger as the person slowly removed he's hand from your face as your eyes widened in shock. but the person only smirked at your reaction.

Hatred and anger only showed on your face as the person lowly chucked.

"Missed me babygirl?"


I want to remain, i want to dream more..
-kim Seokjin

-kim Seokjin

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