Chapter One

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Sans opened his eyes. His head was pounding and the cold air bite at his deathly pale skin. He sat up and immediately noticed that he was human. "Wh-what?" He looked around realizing he was in an alleyway. He slowly stood up, stumbling a bit. He picked up the bookbag that laid next to him. His name was written on it with a bone font. "Hmm."

Sans opened that bag and went through it. A few notebooks, a diary, pens, a phone, a joke book, a change off clothes, 10,000,000 gold (1,420,000,000 Japanese yen if you were wondering. 13,680,280 US Dollar. Mr. Classic over here a millionaire.), a laptop, and a bloody knife. Sans picked up the phone and turned it on. It wasn't like a normal phone. There was a lot less on it than a new phone usually has and it was pretty obvious it was new. 

The first thing Sans noticed was the background. It was a save point with the word Reset above it. Fight, Act, Item, and Mercy were below it. A red heart was in the middle of the save point with white strings around it.  (The picture above. Ignore the fact that I can't draw as you might see my terrible drawing a lot...)

Sans continued to look through the phone. It was much different than a normal phone. You couldn't download any apps, there were apps on it that didn't belong, and some of the apps that were supposed to be there weren't. 

You could only take photo and call/text people on it. But the thing that caught Sans' attention was the app that said Mission. He clicked on it and it brought him to the home page of the app. There were four buttons to click. Info, Characters, Clues, Mission. Sans clicked on Info.

Hi! This is were you can find information about the world you are in! You are in My Hero Academia, a multiverse far different from your Undertale. Quirks are like your magic. All humans here have them. But they only have one. Souls aren't a thing here, so they will be registered as Human Souls. To find out why you are here and what you need to do, go to the Mission page. To find clues on your mission go to the Clues page. To find the stats of yourself and others go to the Characters page.

Sans went back to the home page and clicked on Mission.

You have been sent here because of a failed RESET. This caused the 8 fallen human souls to be scattered around the area you are in. You must find them before they fall into the wrong hands. Your jacket have 7 hearts (One cute in half for Hate and Determination) on the back to contain the 8 souls. The souls will help you as you find them, making it easier for you to get them in time. 

Sans then clicked on Clues.

Here are some clues to help you in your journey. (You can skip this. It's not important and you are going to end up seeing the clues again later anyway. Just skip to the paragraph that doesn't start with a soul type- the bold words)

Kindness: The kindest heart will lead you to the bright green soul you need to find. Someone who doesn't want to do it for themselves but for the people they care about. Watch closely as they don't always shine.

Bravery: He rest with the bravest of the bunch. The one who wants to help and goes head first. The orange soul fights along side.

Perseverance: No matter how hard he get through it. The purple soul stays with the one who keeps going in a tough time to protect those they care for.

Integrity: Never tell a lie and always make in through. Honesty is something that will always shine. She always tells the truth and the blue soul stays with will those who do.

Patience: This one you will need to wait and see. She will reveal herself to you in time as she waits patiently for her time to shine her light blue soul.

Justice: He always gives people the treatment they deserve. Easily judging people based on their actions. He gives people a second chance, though he lacks trust when he does. The yellow glow is easily found within a crowd.

Determination: Kindness, Bravery, Perseverance, Integrity, Patience, and Justice. They are the leader of the group and strives to do the right thing. You will only be able to obtain this brither red soul when you have found the rest and it's near the soul of Hate.

Hate: Kindness, Bravery, Perseverance, Integrity, Patience, and Justice. This is a Determination soul consumed be Hate. You will only be able to obtain this black soul when it's near the soul of Determination.

Sans click on the last button. Stats.

This is were you can look at people stats as well as your own. The stats on a person automatically shows up here after interacting with the person. All heroes and known villains are already here as most people in Japan know them. 

Sans clicked on his name.

Sans 'Classic' Gaster

Goes by Classic/Comic

L.V. 501

H.P. 300000/300000

Soul type: Part Monster/Part Determination/Part Hate

Soul Condition: Cracked/Getting worse 

Backstory (Not important to the story, but I though I'd tell you my AU.): Monsters had used him to experiment with a determination human soul, and ended up turning him part monster. He met a skeleton monster and soon thought of him as a brother. He stopped the other monsters from testing on the younger one, but it got him more attention as they saw his powers. They tried to eject hate and more determination into him to make him stronger, but it backfired. Or so they thought. His stats dropped to 1, but he was stronger than ever. He got more and more powerful as the years went on, soon pushing the head scientist into the Core of the Underground. Running away with the young skeleton he met in his arms, he started a new life as an older brother. He was the second to fall and many more came after him. He became friends with all of them and they helped him when they could. They would still hang out with him even after they died. The ninth fallen human came and did three pacifist runs (Not the true pacifist run, just the run were you don't kill any one, but don't free them from the underground) before doing the genocide run over and over again, killing everyone he cared about. Once the genocides stopped and there was no RESET, he was stuck with alone for years.

Quirk (This is important unlike the backstory): Judgement of Karma - His quirk gets stronger the more L.O.V.E. the person he's fighting has. (I'm at 1150 something words. I'm to lazy to explain his quirk. It's just his normal magic with the rule above. Thank you for understanding!)

Sans sighed and put his phone away, getting up. He started wandering around the area. After a while, he bumped into someone.

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