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(Disclaimer: Not exactly like the movies!)

Two months later...

"Y/n could you come with us for a second?" Hermione asked, "of course what's wrong guys?" I asked. "It's a full moon tonight." Ron said, "And?" Harry asked, Hermione slapped her forehead. "Professor Lupin." She reminded. "Ohhh." Harry said, "is he alright?" I asked. "Not sure; anyways we wanted to make sure you knew." Hermione replied smiling at me. "Well thank you, but promise me you three won't go over there tonight." I told them. "You told us that last time, we promise." Hermione said. "Your acting like our older sister." Harry said, I smiled. "I don't think that's a bad thing Hermione replied making me smile. "I love you kiddos." I said pulling them into a hug." Ron tried to push away and comb his hair, "Don't worry Ron I think Hermione likes your hair messy." I joked ruffling his hair again making them both blush. "Oh shut it, shouldn't you be snogging Fred?" Ron asked fixing his hair again.
I rolled my eyes, "I'll see you three tomorrow." I said walking away.

I turned the corner to see Fred and Hannah, "Freddie can we please talk?" She asked. "Hannah I'm with Y/n now leave me alone." He said moving away from her. "You know you don't love her, you know me and you are supposed to be together." She said. "Hannah get away from me." He said again before walking away from her, he looked up to see me. "Y/n." He said quietly. "Hey Freddie." I said walking up to him, "I'm sorry about that, she's just upset." He told me. I sighed "it's alright." I said smiling at him. I saw Hannah huff and stomp away, "someone's a bit moody." Professor McGonagall murmured walking past us making Fred and me chuckle.

"Where's George?" I asked. "Wow we're dating and your more interested in looking for my twin than hanging out with me." Fred replied putting a hand on his heart, "Yea reckon George is better looking." I said making him throw me over his shoulder. "Fredrick Weasley out me down!" I exclaimed, "Sorry not can do love." He said as I hit his back. "Ow stop doing that." He said, "not until you put me down." I said as he went to the courtyard and put me down and tackle me. "I deserved this for what?" I asked looking up at him. He was now on top of me, "You know why love." He replied looking down at me with a smirk. "Shut up and kiss me already." I said making him pull me into a kiss.

"Get a room!" Adrian called from the corridor with Cedric by his side. Fred looked and me and winked, "Fred reminder we're only 15." I said making him pout. "Your a horny bastard." I said pushing him off me, "oh come on love, I'm only joking." He said standing up. "Whatever, help me up." I said holding my hands out for him to grab. "No I think I'll leave you here." He said staring to walking away. "No!" I said getting up and running over to him . "Ah I see you've finally gotten up." He said looking down at me, "it's only been like 4 seconds." I replied making him roll his eyes.

We walked along the corridors till Ginny came up to me, "Fred can I borrow Y/n for a sec?" She asked looking up at him. "No." He replied pulling me away, "Freddie please!" She said again. I looked at him and he nodded, "go ahead, only five minutes ." He said before I walked off with Ginny, and he waited at the end of the corridor. "Something wrong?" I asked sitting down on a bench a few feet away. "Kinda, how'd you know you liked Fred?" She asked, I widened my eyes, "well I started to realize it when I hung out with him again. I remembered how much I missed him. It hurt me when he told me he wanted to stay friends but it all worked out in the end, it always does." I explained making her smile, "why you got a crush?" I asked making her cheeks become a light pink tint.

"Who is it?" I asked, "Harry." She said quietly. I smiled at her, "That's great, but I don't like you should tell Ron." I told her lowering my voice at the last part. She chuckled and hugged me, "thanks Y/n." "No problem." I said pulling away. "I think you should get back to Freddie, he looks bit mad we went over the five minutes." She told me looking down at the end of them corridor. There stood a very annoyed red head, "yea I think I should, I'll see you in the great hall Gin." I replied making me smile lightly at the nickname before walking off with a Ravenclaw girl who's name I believe is Luna Lovegood.

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