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This might be one of my favorite chapters yet😁

Y/n POV:)

Time skip to Cedric house, day before the quidditch World Cup:

"Y/n, I'm so glad you came!" Cedric said opening the door and giving me a hug. "Nice to see you too Ced." I replied pulling away as my uncle started the car up. I waved before closing the door, "So when we leaving?" I asked. "Tomorrow morning, dad wants to be there early." He told me. I nodded and picked up my bags, "Here follow me, the guest rooms right up here!" He said cheerfully as he ran up the steps, me following behind.

"Here." He said opening the door.

The room was much bigger than the one at my house, even had its own bathroom! Me and my uncle shared one so it was nice to have one all to myself. "Here set your things down, dads been waiting to see you." Cedric added as he fixed his hair. I nodded and then followed him out the door, going down stairs.

"Hello Mr.Diggory." I said, the man looked up at me with a bright smile. "Y/n!" He came over and gave me a good hug and a pat on the back, "How's it been, haven't seen you since you were  bout' three years old!" He asked. I smiled at the man, "It's been good so far, I guess." I replied, lowering my voice at the last part. "Well that's great to hear! Cedric take her out back to see the garden!" He added. Cedric nodded and showed my to the side of their house where a little garden was. "Wow." I said, "I know right, dads been growing them for the past two years." He commented.

There were pumpkins, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. It was a great variety of fruits and vegetables.
"Come." Cedric said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards a tree that was next to a lake. He sat down under the tree and patted the seat next to him, I sat down and looked at him.

"So your letter." I began, "Oh about that, I need to tell you something." He nodded. He looked nervous to tell me, he sighed and rubbed his hands down his pants. "Y/n, I think I'm Bi." He said blankly. He looked like he immediately regretted telling me because of my shocked expression.

I smiled, "Cedric that's great!" I exclaimed putting an arm around him. "Does your dad know?" I asked, he nodded in respond. "He doesn't care, he thinks it's cool really." He added. He looked at me and smiled, "I'm glad your fine with it, for a second I thought you were upset." He said. "Cedric I'd never be upset." I replied, looking at him. He simply smiled and looked at the ground.

"In your letter you said you liked someone, who may I ask?" I questioned. "I-I don't want you to freak out or anything but, Adrian." He replied, swallowing. I smiled brightly, "Cedric this is amazing!" I exclaimed. "My two best friends might start dating!" He laughed, "I'm not even sure if he likes me. I plan on asking him when we get to Hogwarts." He told me.

"I'm sure he'll like you back." I told him, "I hope so, I'd be pretty embarrassing if he didn't." Cedric replied. "I wouldn't worry." I added. He smiled again before looking  at the lake, "You know you never told me about your summer so far." He said. "Cedric-" I began, "Don't be shy, I just shared a huge secret. It can't be that bad." He said cutting me off.

"Fine." I sighed and looked at the lake. "I was supposed to go to the quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys but-" "but what?" He asked. "Well if you let me finish maybe you'd know." I replied with a small chuckle. He rolled his eyes and I continued. "While I was there, Hannah was there too. Molly didn't want her there since she's Fred's ex, so she wrote to her parents. So while Molly was writing, Hannah went to go pack, And Fred went along with her. They were taking a while so I went up to check on them." I explained. "And what we're they doing?" Cedric asked, "Making out." I replied.

Cedric looked at me, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?" He asked. I nodded and he bit the inside of his cheek, "That bastard cheated!" He exclaimed. I nodded and he kept going. "So what'd you do?" He asked finally cooling down, "Told him he could fuck himself and we were done." I replied. Cedric smiled a little, "Well that's good I guess. But when I see him, I swear-" I shook my head, "I think George and Harry took care of it." I said interrupting him. "I don't care, he hurt you, AGAIN." He replied. I sighed as Cedric stood in front of me going back and forth pacing and ranting. I looked at my hands to realize I still had the promise ring on.

"What's that?" Cedric asked stopping in his tracks. "The promise ring Fred gave me." I replied, Cedric put his hands on his hips. "Stand up." He said, I was confused but did it anyway. "Now take off your ring and give it to me." He ordered, "Why?" I asked. "Just give me the damn ring Y/n." He said impatiently while holding out his hand, I rolled my eyes and gave it to him. "Ever skipped rocks?" He asked, "No?" I replied confused, "Me neither." He said throwing the ring into the lake.

"Cedric what the hell!" I exclaimed. "Now you and Fred are officially done." He said clearing happy with himself, I slapped the palm of my hand to my forehead. "Merlin Cedric, your gonna be the death of me." I mumbled. "Don't worry about the ring, and getting it back." He said coming over to me, and putting a hand on my shoulder. I raised my eyebrow, confused, "Fred will have a heard time finding it. Don't know what's in that lake, to scared to go in." He told me. "Uh huh." I said looking away.

"Cedric, Y/n, Dinner!" Amos yelled from the back door. "FINALLY!" Cedric exclaimed pushing me out of the way and running inside. I stood up and brushed myself off before grabbing his bag, which was filled with different types of candies and chocolates.

"Hurry up Y/n!" He yelled. "Alright, Alright!" I said jogging to the door.

This is definitely my favorite chapter so far:) I really wanted to do more of their friendship, plus who Cedric crush is.

Question: Cedric and Adrians ship name?

My answer: Idk maybe Cadrian?

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