Can't go Back

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Steven yawned and brushed his teeth for the night.
"Sleep well Peridot''. Steven said to the green gem who was sleeping in the tub with Pumpkin. Steven slushily walked over to his bed. Y/n was already asleep breathing slowing in and out. Steven smiled softly at his boyfriend and went into bed wrapping his arms around him.
"Night Seashell". Steven whispered as he put his chin against Y/n's back. Steven was about to close his eyes when a long bang came from the front door.
"Steven!'' Ronaldo yelled as he banged one the door repeatedly. Steven slowly got up to see what Ronaldo wanted with blinking eyes Steven ripped the covers off him.
"What does Ronaldo want this time"? Y/n asked with a yawn.
"No idea but he can't be bugging us at one in the morning". Steven replied with a sigh. Gaea pushed themselves on Y/n so he couldn't move.
"Baby I need to get up sorry". Y/n said as he pet the wolf and pushed him off. Steven and Y/n got out of bed and slowly walked down to the door. Steven opened the door to see Ronaldo hint the air trying to hint the door again.
"Ronaldo it's one in the morning what are you doing here"? Steven asked.
"When I was looking through the telescope I found something weird on the moon"! Ronaldo yelled while pointing at the moon.
"Ronaldo haven't you called Nanefua"? Y/n asked with a yawn.
"I can't do it a fourth time". Ronaldo replied loudly.
"You've come here everyday after dad bought you that telescope". Steven said with a glossy look in his eyes.
"I know but you two need to see this come on"! Ronaldo yelled as he ran off to the lighthouse.
"Here I grabbed your sweatshirt". Y/n said as he gave Steven the pink hoodie.
"Thanks Babe". Steven replied as the both of them put on hoodies so they wouldn't be cold. Steven and Y/n made their way up to the lighthouse and when they got here saw Ronaldo at the telescope. Steven went up to the telescope and looked up to the moon to see the moon base.
"That's the moon base, it's always been there". Steven stated while rubbing his eyes.
"You have a moon base"! Ronaldo yelled.
"I guess we do"? Y/n replied with a yawn.
"First why haven't you told me about your moon base, second bring me to your moon base, and third why does it look like a barn". Ronaldo said.
"Wait, it doesn't look like a barn-Steven let me take a look". Y/n replied as Steven got out of the way so Y/n could look in the telescope. Y/n adjusted the telescope to the left and he did find a barn.
"Steven I think Laips is on the moon". Y/n whipshed in Steven's ear.
"Alright let's get Lion to bring us to the moon". Steven replied. Steven and Y/n dashed back to the beach house and woke up Lion.
"Sorry Lion but we need a portal to the moon base". Steven said. Lion got up slowly and roared a portal. Steven and Y/n got on Lion and once the two were set he jumped in.
After being in the pink warp for a few minutes, Lion jumped out of the portal and crashed into the wall. Steven and Y/n got off of Lion and wished him a good rest.
Y/n walked over to the door and pushed the button to open it. Steven made a pink bubble around him and Y/n so they could go out onto the moon.
The bubble bounces as the two made their way over to the barn. Once the two got inside they started looking for Laips. After yelling her name a few times they still didn't find her. The two rolled out of the barn and back into the moon base.
"Where could she be"? Steven asked as he popped the pink bubble.
"Let's look around, she has to be here". Y/n replied. A humming noise could be heard from upstairs so the two hybrids held hands as they walked up the stairs. The first room was well lit from a big blue orb and the person by it was Lapis. The two walked after to the blue gem but Lapis didn't notice them.
"Lapis". Steven whispered as Lapis flinched and turned off the orb.
"Steven, Y/n what are you two doing here"? Lapis asked with stiff composure.
"Umm Ronaldo found the barn on the moon so we came here to check it out". Y/n replied while rubbing the back of his neck.
"I thought you'd be half way across the galaxy by now so what are you doing here"? Steven asked while jumping over to Lapis to give her a hug.
"I couldn't bring myself to go too far but this isn't permanent". Lapis replied while rubbing her arm.
"What can that orb do anyway"? Y/n asked pointing at the blue orb.
"Promise you two won't judge me". Lapis asked.
"I sleep with a teddy bear; I promise I won't". Steven replied with a smile.
"Pulse we've never judged you before so why would that change now". Y/n said with a small smile.
"Alright I'll show you". Lapis said while putting her hand on the orb. The lit a bright blue and showed some of Earth's locations.
"Woah this is so cool"! Steven said with stars in his eyes.
"What was the purpose was this orb do for the Diamonds"? Y/n asked.
"Well the Diamonds used this device to watch their colonies". Lapis replied.
"Wait Lapis, what have you been using this for?". Steven asked. Lapis sighed as she put her hand on the orb and
The image it showed was the gems training on the beach.
"So you've been using this orb to check in on us"? Y/n asked while tipping his head to the left.
"Yeah I have". Lapis replied with a sigh.
"Lapis if you wanted to see us you could've just come back". Steven said while putting a hand on her shoulder.
"What; I couldn't do after what I did". Lapis said while looking at Peridot who was yelling at the gems.
"Lapis I'm sure talking with Peridot would be beneficial for the both of you". Y/n said with a small smile.
"Yeah you could drop the barn on the beach and you could be our neighbors". Steven said with a big smile. Lapis stated to laugh but then she looked down with a sigh.
"It all became so lovely
Those bluest skies above me
Those funny feelings I had never felt before I met you". Lapis sang while looked down at Steven and did a light spin after to Peridot
"I thought I'd stay a while
I tried to learn to smile
So many colors I had never even known Maybe I'll find myself sitting on that distant shore
Maybe I'm not alone". Lapis sang while sitting down so her shadow would sit right next to Peridot.
"Then I see the colors fading
Gentleness of light escaping
Shadows of my fear invading
Have I seen this all before?
I know that there's something residing
A terror deep inside me".Lapis croon while the orb's light started to glitch.
"I couldn't understand how you could be so bold
Maybe I'll find myself smiling on that distant shore
Maybe I'm not alone". Lapis sang while looking at Peridot who was walking off proudly. A little bit later Steven and Lapis were talking while Y/n was sleeping on Steven's shoulder. During their conversation Steven fell asleep and Lapis gave her friend a soft smile. Steven slowly opened his eyes to voices but he didn't feel Y/n on his shoulder.
"Y/n Lapis"? Steven asked while looking left and right with a tight look on his face.
"Pink we're tired of your excuses, you're a Diamond a few rebels shouldn't hold you down". A voice said. Steven looked up to find silhouettes of Pink, Blue, and Yellow Diamond. Steven's pupils expanded as he listened to the Diamonds talk.
"All you have to do is smile and wave and then your gems will fall back in line". Blue Diamond said to Pink Diamond but whenever she tried to say something Blue would put her hand out in front of her face.
"These Crystals Gems aren't a problem Pink you just need to be a leader. This colony will be finished Pink and that's final". Blue Diamond said as her and Yellow Diamond walked out of the moon base. Steven felt something behind him and he looked back to see a shadow come from out of the wall. Steven flinched back as the shadow walked over to Pink Diamond with a sword behind her back. Taking a closer look Steven saw some familiarities with the shadow.
"Pearl''? Steven said to himself as the shadow looked back at him with big teal eyes. Steven shot back awake to see Lapis over him with a bite lip.
"Steven are you alright"? Lapis asked.
"I'm alright but I saw the Diamonds". Steven replied while rubbing his head with his hand.
"Wait the Diamonds; are they coming back?"Lapis yelled. Steven felt weight on his left shoulder mover so Steven looked after to see Y/n waking up.
"Steven what's going on"? Y/n asked in a quit voice.
"I need to get out of here". Lapis said while running down the stairs.
"Wait Lapis let me finish"! Steven yelled, getting up and chasing after Lapis.
"Steven wait up"! Y/n said pushing himself up off the floor and running after his boyfriend. Steven and Y/n got downstairs to see Lapis by the exit to the moon base.
"Lapis you don't -have to leave". Steven said with a crack in his voice.
"Steven I don't have a choice I'm sorry". Lapis replied while slamming her hand on the bottom to open the moon base. Lapis summoned her water wings and flew off the moon with the barn underneath her. The moon base doors closed and Steven collapsed to the floor. Y/n wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and hugged him.
"She'll come back eventually; I know she will". Y/n said with a warm smile.
"I think Pearl shattered Pink Diamond". Steven said while looking down at the ground.
"Steven why would you think that"? Y/n asked.
"I had another dream vision and I saw Pearl with mom's sword". Steven replied with a sigh.
"We'll talk about this later ok baby but let's sleep on this". Y/n said giving Steven a kiss. Steven kissed back and when the two pulled away they smiled at each other. The two walked over to Lion and made a portal to the beach house. They got on Lion's back and they teleported back to the beach house to sleep.

"Well talk about this later ok baby but lets sleep on this". Y/n said giving Steven a kiss. Steven kissed back and when the two pulled away they smiled at each other. The two walked over to Lion and made a portal to the beach house. They got on Lions back and they teleported back to the beach house to sleep.

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