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I don't think Pearl is taking the approach for Garnet to forgive her. Chasing after Peridot it's going to make Garnet feel better.

The lightness feels good has we we make our way to the galaxy warp. When we get there Peridot is moving rockes around.
"Good morning". Steven says with a smile on his face.
"How did you clods find me and who this pebble"!? Peridot yells in a panic.
"Pebble just because I'm short doesn't mean you can call me that you clod"! I yell back at her with her own insult.
"Do you guys have anything better to do then annoy me"? Peridot says.
"Nope-". Amethyst tries to say, but Pearl cuts her off.
"Prepared to be annoyed". Pearl says.
Peridot changes up one of her energy blast with an irritated look on her face. This plant has an expiration date, and I'm not going to be here to find out when". Period says while  accidentally firing the blast on a rock behind us. Steven summons his shield protect us, and I sigh in relief.
"That's it I'm taking her out". Pearl says while running after Peridot with her spear. Peridot put Pearl in a green aura, and smiles.
"Your going the wrong way". She says while throwing her towards Steven and I. Steven and I are fling back while landing on the ground. I open my eyes to see that I'm face to face with Steven. We both blush a deep red, and get off each other.
"Sorry". We both say at the same time. We both smile at each other, and see Peridot on a warp pad.
"Doesn't anything work on this crummy planet"? She yells when it doesn't work.
"We do". Steven while throwing his shield. I summon my hammer and jump on the shield. When it's about to hit her face I jump off the shield hit Peridot with my hammer making her fly to a different warp pad. When I land Steven runs over and hugs me.
"Looks like our training paid off Y/n". Steven says with a smile.
"Yeah it did". I say with a blush on my face. Steven and I trun to the right to see Pearl and Garnet on the ground while Peridot is hovering over them. She flys over to the ownly warp pad working, and laughs.
"This was your worst attempt let". Peridot says while warping off. Pearl found Peridot again, and were going there now. Pearl needs to calm down if were ever going to get Peridot. When the warp pad stops Stven and I gasp.
'Wow what is this place"? Steven asks.
"This used to be a ship that Gems would use then warp pad weren't on a plant let, but this ship seems to be in active now". Pearl says while her gem shows us how the ship worked.
"Why would Peridot hind out in a ship that doesn't work"? I say while pointing a finger on my cheeek.
I look over at Y/n and smile with a hint of pink to my cheeks.
'He's to cute sometimes". I thought while my smile grow bigger.
"Um Steven we're going". Y/n says while shaking me out of my day dream.
"Oh what sorry Y/n let's go". I say while taking his hand. When we get inside a big screen truns on, and Peridot face shows up.
"You guys showed up sooner then I thought". Peridot says with a smirk on her face.
"Your delusional if you think you can fly this werk". Pearl yells.
"What"? Peridot says. I walk over to  microphone with Y/n's hand still interlocked with mine.
"Pearl says "Your delusional if you think you fly this werk"".
"What fly I'm using this thing to fly I'm using it to trap you"! And with that the door closes and locks us in here. My grip on Y/n's grows stronger has light shots fly around the ship.
"Die Die Die Die"! Peridot yells while laughing. Y/n and I douge has many light beams has we could, and I summon my shield.
"Guys over here"! I yell has the gems come under my shield. We make it a room where "Peridot" is just standing there. Pearl runs up to "Peridot", and swings her spear at her.
"Is Pearl that devoted to get Peridot that she will hurt a hologram"? Y/n says in my in ear.
"I know she wants to get Peridot, but this doesn't seem a bit much". I say while looking at pearl. The walls start to shake has Pearl and Garnet get into a trap. Amethyst Y/n and I see cogs turning were Garnet and Pearl are, and we get an idea. Amethyst summons her wip, and it ties around the cogs. The three of us try to stop it, but it doesn't work. The wip breaks, and we panic. We stop to see  Sardonyx break out of the trap. We run to the ships control room to see Peridot trying to get something working. When she truns around she panics, and changes up an energy blast.
"I have no idea how you got out, but you just in time for-". She fires the blast at the floof of the ship and laughs.
"My escape". We look up to see Peridot flying off.
"If this is another pathetic attempt to capture me you can forget it". She says about to fly off. Garnet pickes me up, and I garb her foot.
"I just catch a Period". I say with a smile. I feel more weight on me to find Y/n, Amethyst, Pearl, and Garnet pulling Peridot back into the ship. Peridot puts her fingers on her foot, and it comes off. We all land on the
Floor of the ship, and I over to fine Y/n arms wrapped around me. I blush and lean into his touch.
"Everythings back to normal, and hopefully we get Peridot soon". I thought with a smile.

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