Chapter 05 - (Christmas Special)

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A/N - Hey guys! 80 votes!! and almost 600 reads! Thank you! :) Here comes the Christmas + Louis's Birthday special chapter! :D As chosen by you people, this is Louis's POV about how they ended up at CUL.

Chapter 5~


              "You can come in now" said the dark haired receptionist with green eyes, and we all stood up.

"Mr. Hudson is in his office, follow me please."

Zayn was the first to go ahead while Liam, Niall and Harry followed. I lingered around in the waiting room for a bit before following them past the lobby, into the elevator.

"Why are we here again?" asked Harry, confused.

Contrasting to the white and sea blue interiors of the reception and lobby, the elevator was over flowing with posters of the recent hits the Hudson company had made. Most movies romantic, some comedy, others thriller, and so on. The elevator made a ding noise as the doors opened to the top floor.

"Because the management told us to." Liam answered not too excited about it either.

"Please wait while I let Mr. Hudson know you are here. He is quite a busy man, and he had to cancel two of his meetings for discussing this very important proposal with you. I hope you understand " The receptionist informed us while nodded in agreement. When she left, we started scanning the place.

"Woah! this place is huge!" called out Zayn as the elevator doors opened.

"And awesome!" I added looking around. I felt like I was a kid once again and had come to Disney land for the first time.

"Oh it is awesome alright!" called out Liam.

"Are you sure I am not dreaming?" asked Niall, star-struck.

"Are you sure this is the head quarters of of the Hudson Movie productions?" Harry asked, quite amused at the scene.

There was a huge flat screen the size of a whole wall, a minibar in one corner with its own freaking bartender, and a candy shop. I saw Niall already filling his mouth with the candy and laughed to myself while the other boys couldn't help themselves but checkout the cool car-racing video games.

I further inspected the large room with posters of the hit movies again and observed that there was a massage table, a Jacuzzi, an air-hockey table and all the games you would find in an arcade. In total, it looked like any teenage boy's dream.

"Enjoying ourselves, are we boys?" called out a voice behind us. All five heads spun in synchronisation.

"Uhh..who are you?" I asked looking at the short boy in the black suit. This was just getting weirder and weirder.

"I am Zack, Zack Hudson, the owner and creator of Hudson movies, I'm sure you've heard of me." He said, pure professionalism marking his words.

What? Wait what? What? Seriously, what? Are you kidding me? This twelve year old was the owner and creator of the Hudson movies. I couldn't believe it. If this were Harry or Niall playing a prank on me somehow, I swear to god, I was going to kill them. 

"You." spoke Liam.

"Are" continued Niall.

"Zack" carried on Zayn

"Hudson? " asked Harry.

"Yes, yes I am. Is this all we are discussing this afternoon? Don't you want to know why I called you here?" He said looking at the huge digital watch on top of the elevator then back to us.

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