You could use some help there--

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Time Steve and Elemental Steve were in the air fighting it out. Sabre was on the ground helplessly holding a bow in his right hand. Sabre staggered backwards as Elemental used his powers to split himself in three, Earth, Fire, Ice/Water. Time Steve flew backwards a block but kept his brave face, well, that's what Sabre thought. Time always wore a mask that covered his entire face so no one knew what his expression was or what he looked like in general. Time Steve flew this way and that, dodging Earth and Ice/Water while also trying to attack all three of them. Sabre knew he needed to do something to help Time Steve so he brought his bow up and aimed at Earth, loading an arrow when he gets his target. 

He pulls the drawstring backwards, aims, and fires, hitting a bulls-eye. Sabre pumps his fist in the air in joy and loads another arrow into the bow but before he could fire, Elemental became whole once more. Sabre looks up at Time Steve and nodded, giving him the signal. Time looked back at Sabre and nodded in return, he then turned back to Elemental ready to use the secret weapon. Time held up his hands as he and Elemental got ready to attack each other. When they were, what Sabre assumed was, at full power to use their attacks, they fired at each other at the same time.

When Time Steve was struck, he withered in pain and stopped flying and he fell to the ground. Sabre ran over to help him. Time was a few blocks above the ground before Sabre caught him bridal style. He walked back to where he was previously and he set him down against a tree.

"Here, rest you seem like your in a lot of pain there," Sabre told him. Time Steve did nothing but give a tiny nod. Sabre got up after making sure he had no major injuries.

The only injuries he had were a few 1st-degree burns and some scratches. Sabre then tried looking for Elemental for he fell as well but he was possibly hurt much more than Time was. Sabre looked in the place where he was flying but got nowhere so he walked in the direction of some mountains and sure enough, there he was in a crater of bedrock and Redstone. Sabre started running towards Elemental to make sure he was okay. Yeah, he may have attacked us a few times here and there but he was still his friend.

Sabre's POV

I stop at the edge of the crater, not knowing what to do next. I look around to see if there is some kind of staircase into the hole and there was, only ten blocks away from me. I climb down to meet with Elemental, who was grunting and trying to stand.

"Hey, looks like you could use some help there," I tell him as I reach my hand out to help him up.

He looks up at me and hesitates to take my help but he takes it anyway.

"Yeah, w-whatever," He stutters. I pull him upwards and he kinda staggers but he regains his balance.

Possibly regretting this idea, I slide my arm under his and put his arm resting over my shoulders. He tenses up but I don't think he minds me doing this. I help him walk all the way to the tree Time Steve is resting at. Time Steve glances up at us as we walk towards him, he was wrapping bandages around some of his burns, there was one on his leg, arm, hand, and head. He tensed up when he saw I was helping Elemental walk.

"Sabre! He almost destroyed me and you're helping him?!" Time shouted at me. I flinched under my mask and jerked my head back a little bit.

"I'm helping him for a reason that neither of you knows except Galaxy Steve and me," I calmly tell him. He stands up and I let Elemental lean against a tree close enough to hear what I have to say.

I throw the pufferfish Galaxy gave me on the ground and I call out his name.

"Galaxy Steve! Can you come here?" I shout. Lightning is seen where the pufferfish is.

A figure looking like, well, the galaxy appears in the middle of the lighting and as soon as he appears, the lighting dies down and the noise quiets.

"Oh, hey Sabre! Say, you got a sandwich? I'm kinda hungry." He says excitedly.

"What? No, I don't have a sandwich, I still don't even know how you know what that is but whatever. That's not why I called you here though. I called so they can know the truth about themselves and their creator." I explain.

His eyes seem-- not seem, they do-- glow when I tell him what I want him to do. He nods and turns to the two Steve's standing in front of him.

"Oh-- yeah, erm- I... created you two so I didn't have to keep track of time and space. I needed help so I created you guys so Time Steve could watch over time, and Elemental could watch over the different dimensions." Galaxy explains.

Elemental's yellow eyes glow as Galaxy's did and Time Steve moves his mask up so only his mouth and part of his nose are showing, his mouth slightly hanging open in shock. The side-by-side Steve's turn to each other, Elemental's eyes glowing brighter and Time Steve relaxing as much as he can with his injuries.

"So what your saying is, you're our creator and we are--" Elemental pauses at the end so I fill it in.

"Brothers in a way, yes!" I couldn't keep my excitement out of my voice, but I realized it wasn't excitement in my voice, it was something else. Someone else.

"Uh- erm, I'll let you guys catch up, I have to do... something real quick," I say while they go for careful hugs.

"Okay Sabre, we'll just be here telling stories!" Galaxy says, barely paying attention to me.

I turned and went to the lake where they were fighting and went to a further part where they couldn't see me. I took off my hoodie and reached under the sweater zipper to grab my necklace, a red ruby cross sticking out of a bright green emerald cut to fit the cross, the symbol of my family, the Nolans and the Templars.

I take it off as careful but quickly as I can and I hold it out to the space in front of me. I wait for a second and lower it a small bit. I lower my hand all the way and put my hoodie back on, making sure my mask doesn't slip off either. I raise my hand once again and let him come through.

"Hello once again, Sabre. I think you know why I'm here?"

"Actually, this time I don't. Why don't you explain?" I say sarcastically but in reality, I don't know what he wants.

"Well, let's just say, I'm here for a deal between us," He says.

"What kind of deal? If it involves the Steves, then I will have to decline!" I tell him.

"Oh, don't worry it won't involve the Steves at all, at least, not yet. No, this involves you and you only."

I stay silent, thinking about his words. If I take it, the Steve's could be in danger, but If I don't, then I could be in danger.

"Alright... fine, I'm listening. What is it?" I gave him a chance.

He smiles his stupid, devilish smile and I take a step backwards in fear for what he may do. He holds out his hand and a ball of light appears from it and is shot at me. I don't have time to shout for Galaxy, Time, and Elemental so I shout what comes to my mind first to try and get their attention.



Well, that concludes the first chapter of The Soul In Us, The Code In Me! Hope you have the patience to wait for chapter 2 because I have no ideas for it! Anyways... how do you guys like the cliffhangers? Do you want them still or do you want me to change it and just continue the story? Anywho, see you guys next time in the story!

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